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Oct. 22, 2023

Hanford Insider - October 23, 2023

Economic and retail growth is a primary focus for any city looking to expand and improve the lives of its citizens. This was the key theme of the latest episode of Hanford Insider, where we had the pleasure of speaking with Hanford City Manager, Mario Cifuentez. His insightful discourse on Hanford's preparation for the forthcoming ICSC conference and their dynamic strategy to market the city painted a vibrant picture of a city poised for growth and expansion.

Mario unveiled the multi-faceted approach the city is adopting to drive its growth trajectory. The city is strategically harnessing retail training, data, and developer attraction. This is underpinned by a thorough understanding of the retail market, guided by measurable data. For instance, knowing that their Walmart is seventh in the state in terms of total traffic, they have been able to peak developers' interest.

One of the key drivers for growth is the need for more rooftops and increased vehicle miles. This is linked to Hanford's strategic recruitment efforts. The city currently has three director recruitments ongoing, aiming to be an employer of choice by offering competitive salaries and benefits. Mario emphasized the importance of community engagement, looking for professionals who understand the importance of being an integral part of the community.

A notable decision that was discussed was the transition of the public works department from street sweeping to private contracting. This was primarily a fiscal decision, aimed at saving at least $100,000 a year and ensuring the continuity of the service.

As we explored the developments around Lacey and Centennial, it was clear that the city is strategically positioning itself for growth. The increased construction of residential properties, both single-family homes and high-end apartment complexes, is intended to drive more vehicle miles and make the area more attractive to developers.

Hanford is gearing up for the upcoming ICSC conference, where it aims to market itself to potential businesses. They're preparing to showcase the city's potential, armed with data on what businesses appeal to a five-minute drive, a 20-minute drive, and more. This strategic approach is geared towards attracting businesses that fit their model.

While retail expansion is an important part of Hanford's growth strategy, the city also understands the importance of community activities. From the celebration of Down's Syndrome Awareness Month to the excitement of high school football games, Hanford is a city that's not just growing, but thriving.

The city's growth strategy is an ongoing, long-term process. As Mario put it, "from the time you have a retail development that says, yes, we want to come in, to the day you open the doors is two to three years." This episode offered a fascinating look into the city's efforts to shape a prosperous future for Hanford.

To conclude, Hanford's economic development and retail growth strategy are rooted in a deep understanding of the retail market, a strategic approach to recruitment, and a commitment to community engagement. By focusing on these key areas, the city is laying a strong foundation for its future growth. Stay tuned to the Hanford Insider podcast for more updates on Hanford's journey towards expansion and prosperity.