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On this week's episode of the Insider we'll get a quick check of the community calendar and then Debbie Gibson joins us to share what United Cerebral Palsy of Central California does for families in the Valley.
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Episode of the Hanford Insider.
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I'm your host, rob Bentley.
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Thanks for listening.
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The weather this week will continue to be warm, with temperatures about 100 degrees or slightly higher.
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At the Thursday Night Marketplace this week it's Agriculture Appreciation Night.
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The band Gen FM will be providing the entertainment.
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Speaking of, it was great to see so many of you at the Thursday Night Marketplace last week.
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Eric and I had fun meeting so many listeners In community news.
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The Hanford City Council has certainly had a busy few weeks.
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At the meeting last Tuesday they were able to recognize the Dispatcher of the Year, stephanie Hernandez.
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They also approved a contract to construct the much needed new concession stand and restroom building at the Youth Athletic Complex on campus in Greenfield.
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Construction will begin soon and it should be ready for the 2025 opening day.
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In March, the council renewed the contract with Fresno County to provide emergency dispatch services for the Hanford Fire Department.
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They renewed annual contracts for school resource officers with the local school districts.
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The council also voted to move forward with the revenue measure, which will appear on the November ballot.
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Hanford is one of only 30 cities that do not have a district sales tax.
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This measure will add a 1% sales tax to generate $19 million in annual revenue that will stay here in Hanford to fund a 10-year plan to improve the quality of life.
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Some local cities with a similar district tax include Avenel, corcoran, visalia, tulare and Porterville.
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To pass the measure will need 50%, plus one on November 5th in the general election.
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Randall Communications has been hired to coordinate the campaign to educate the voters on the need for the funding.
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An important component of the measure will be an oversight committee and a third-party auditor to ensure that the revenue will be spent according to the plans set forth by the Revenue Measure Committee and City Council.
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I would encourage all Hanford residents to educate themselves by going to the Hanford City website to look at the plan.
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The next City Council meeting is Tuesday, july 2nd.
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Here's some things coming up on our community calendar.
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Tipsy canvas in hanford is hosting a summer paint party for all ages on tuesday, june 25th at 5 30 pm.
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The cost is 25 per person, which includes canvas paint supplies, snack and drink.
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Visit tipsy canvas on facebook for more information.
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Hop forge brewing is hosting another comedy night with comedian Feather DeWise on Tuesday, june 25th.
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Visit their website or Facebook for more information and tickets.
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Kings County Community Action Organization is having a summer block party at their main office on 11th Avenue.
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On Friday, june 28th, from 9 am until noon.
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There will be family games, children's activities, head Start, enrollments, community Resources, vaccination Clinic and refreshments.
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Visit kcaoorg for more information.
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The Children's Storybook Garden and Museum is hosting a Red, white and Blue Day on Monday, july 1st, from 10 am until noon.
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Visit childrenstorybookgardenorg for more information.
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The Kings players are presenting a penny for your thoughts at the Temple Theater.
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If you haven't seen it yet, your last chance is this weekend.
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Visit kingsplayersorg for showtimes and tickets.
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The next show coming up for the Kings players is Outward Bound in August and September Tryouts are coming up on Monday and Tuesday evening at the Temple Theater.
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Visit kingsplayersorg for more information.
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Stands September Tryouts are coming up on Monday and Tuesday evening at the Temple Theater.
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Visit kingsplayersorg for more information.
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The Carnegie Museum of Kings County presents Kings County's Asian Experiences.
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The museum is located at 109 East 8th Street and is open each Friday, saturday and Sunday from 1 to 5 pm.
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Admission is $5, with a $10 family maximum.
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For more information you can visit carnegiemuseumofkingscountyorg.
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The Hanford Toy Anime Comic Con will be held on Sunday, july 7th, from 11 am to 4 pm at the Hanford Fraternal Hall.
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If you have an event coming up and you'd like some help getting the word out.
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Let's work together.
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Send your information to hanfordinsider at gmailcom.
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Be sure to subscribe to my weekly newsletter to get a complete calendar of events.
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Well, it gives us a great pleasure to be with Debbie Gibson, who is the Children's Program Director for the United Cerebral Palsy of Central California.
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Welcome to the show, debbie.
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Thank you so much for having me, and I always love talking about UCP.
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So let's hear more about UCP.
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What kind of programs does UCP offer and kind of what is the purpose of UCP to people who may not know about it?
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Well, ucp of Central California offers both adult and children's programs, along with a Fresno program that's called the Nest.
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That's really for those that are in a day program, that have kind of reached that retirement age.
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Just like all of us, when we hit our 50s and 60s we may not want to go out and about so much.
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So they've created this program for those that are nearing those ages, but they still want to be with their peers, they still want to be active.
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It's like the senior center, so to speak.
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Also in the adult program, which is a great service for families throughout Central California, is the home adaptive program.
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So it's for those adults that have reached age 22 and over that can't get out, that they really need somebody to come into their home.
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Maybe they have medical fragility issues, maybe they just need that supported home.
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After COVID their families decided, you know, we're going to just stay in, because the reality is that our disabled community was one of the most vulnerable populations with the viruses.
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So yeah, now the children's program is my program and our program is in Kings County.
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We serve all of Kings County is in Kings County.
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We serve all of Kings County.
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We have what we call the early intervention or early start portion for children birth to three that have been assessed and have at least a 25% delay in one area of development or they've already gotten a diagnosis or they've already gotten a diagnosis.
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So we provide early intervention, we have speech therapy, occupational therapy and we partner with a physical therapy team to provide those consultations that really lead our early intervention specialist into what you know, the strategies that can help the children.
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The reality is the parents are with their children a whole lot more than our hour hour and a half a week.
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So the goal for an early interventionist is actually to train the parent, to coach the parent, to provide an atmosphere of support that the parent can build the confidence they need to provide those strategies.
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When we're not there.
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We focus on social-emotional development because we know the social-emotional development is the engine that drives the train and so we want to make sure that that social emotional development and that bonding is happening between the parent and the child, because when we step away it's really important that the parent feels confident that they can do it.
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You know, whatever the strategy is that they've been trained in that week that they can continue all week and provide that for their child.
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We also provide a book.
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We have a book of the month club.
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Basically, when a child joins, when a family joins our program, the first thing they get is a welcome basket that has two books in it.
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It has Brown Bear, brown Bear, and Brown Bear, brown Bear is kind of a patterning book and a repetitive book.
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And then the other book that we give them is my First Words, and both of them are English and Spanish.
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They're bilingual.
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Also included in that welcome basket is Play-Doh and appropriate scissors and crayons and probably a whole lot more that I can't remember right now, but it's there for the parent to use.
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And then every month we bring a new book and a kit, an activity packet that we put together so that every week when the teacher comes, that packet is there and that they're working on it with the child and the parent.
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So that's a little bit about an early intervention program.
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And then we also have a community program that's called Parent Me.
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And then we also have a community program that's called Parent Me and we're located in Hanford, lemoore, kettleman City, avenel and Corcoran and these programs are funded through First Five and put it in a community setting, put it in a classroom setting and invite families in the community birth to five.
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The child age limit is Anybody and everybody in that community can attend as long as we've got the space for them.
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Over the last few years we've developed an inclusion program where we are including our two-and-a-half-year-old kiddos as space permits into these programs so that they are actually in a class of peers, a community of their own peers, and the best peer pressure for development.
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That's the best form of peer pressure, because all of a sudden they're around little kids that are jabbering and all of a sudden they go oh, I need to, I can do that.
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Or they're around kids that are eating really weird vegetables and fruits and healthy foods and suddenly they are starting to eat these meals that parents would say, oh, they're not going to eat it.
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And then they turn around and have a bite because their friend has had a bite.
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And then, finally, the last program we have is our Family Resource Center, because, as a parent of a child that comes into our early intervention program, something's not right.
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They are not there because we have fun.
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They're not there because we're a great program.
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They are there because they've been told something's not quite right with their child and the best support you can give a parent is another parent who's been there, done that and basically bought the t-shirt and so walk the walk.
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And so you've walked the walk.
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I know that you're deeply connected to children of special needs.
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Do you mind sharing a little bit about your story?
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Absolutely, I didn't go to work for UCP.
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I went there as a parent first and we had been trying to have kids for like 12 years and we had the pleasure of adopting our two oldest boys when they were two and three.
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And, as fate or whomever's in charge would have it, um, I became pregnant the first chance I could.
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After um, the adoptions were finalized and unfortunately I have a incompetent cervix.
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So at a just shy of um, about 23 weeks pregnant, was hospitalized and the goal was to keep me pregnant and I stayed in the hospital for about five weeks and our son, joshua, was born 27 weeks and five days and was very, you know, he struggled.
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I mean, he was in the NICU for 10 weeks, but when he came home he began to really in the NICU, he was making eye contact, he was doing all these great things when he came home, he was doing great with his social, emotional, he was doing great with his eye contact.
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Everything was wonderful until gross motor development was supposed to happen and it didn't and he was behind.
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So we started trying to find services for him and this was almost 34 years ago and the pediatrician sent a referral over to a local physical therapist and he said I don't do kids and we live in Visalia.
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And he said but I know a lady in Hanford.
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He gave me their number and I took him over to UCP and so she immediately got us connected with Central Valley Regional Center, who funds all of the developmental programs, both the children's programs and the adult programs.
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And so he became a client of CVRC, central Valley Regional Center, and he continued to go to UCP and there in Hanford and receive this physical therapy, along with the social-emotional benefits that he got in the classroom, everything that the PT was doing.
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The classroom teachers were following up and when he was two years old we had a good inkling that he would be diagnosed with cerebral palsy, which he was, and so we just continued getting services there until he was three and there's other service providers after three.
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So we went to those service providers.
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But the good news is that Joshua only has CP.
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Babies that were born 34 years ago at 27 weeks are babies that are born today, like at 22 or 23 weeks gestation at 22 or 23 weeks gestation.
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And we were told that he would have a lot of developmental issues, that he would be blind and he might never walk or talk, but Joshua did, he did persevere through it, through it, and he had his two older brothers, um were little mini wrestlers here at home and and my husband developed the gibson wrestling federation and they all have their, their um gibson names or their names and their roles and and joshua was right there with his brothers wrestling and I feel like great that that really promoted his development.
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Today, josh was married with a beautiful daughter and a beautiful wife, and he is a BCBA, which is the letters behind his name says that he can treat people with behavioral delays and diagnose with autism.
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So he works for a company that serves people with autism and so he graduated high school college, has his master's, but I really believe that, as far as his, his development and everything that came along was based, was a, based out of the the couple years that we were at ucp.
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He started when he was about a year old.
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He's a great he's, you know, he has a great story, but it's.
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It's yeah.
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People will say, oh yeah, you guys do really great story, but it's yeah.
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People will say, oh yeah, you guys do really great with him.
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But the reality is that if he hadn't had his own determination and to be and he idolized his brothers and he wanted to do anything and everything they did, and they were and are great athletes today and so he just keeps on going.
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He got into wrestling in high school.
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It was the best thing he could do to stretch those, you know, his muscles and his hamstrings and everything that needed to be done for his disability and he really I don't even think about him being disabled our other son, everything that happened, that we were told that would happen with Josh and you know, as fate would have it, I did get pregnant again and unfortunately he had a stroke during my pregnancy and Jacob was born full term.
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We made sure of that and he eventually was diagnosed with severe brain trauma.
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He did not have a motor cortex, a vision cortex or a language cortex.
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He was diagnosed with severe CP, severe intellectual disability, blindness, obviously no language, though he could communicate, and he was really our guiding light because we really my husband and I both changed our careers because of him and I went after he.
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When he was about four he was enrolled in the local special education program here in Tulare County.
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I went back to work and I went back to work at UCP and I started off.
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I was going to sub and I was only going to be there a couple of months.
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And here it is, 26 and a half years later and I'm still there.
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But I worked as a peer parent.
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I started as a peer parent supporting other parents who were there going through what they were going through and went back to school and eventually uh was asked to to take the helm of the children's program eight or seven or eight years ago when the previous, my predecessor, retired there and inspire others.
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I was wondering what kind of advice would you give to parents, who maybe need that encouragement.
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Maybe they don't know what's going on.
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How can they find support with UCP?
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I know that's a huge piece of the puzzle, but can you share with us a little bit about encouragement services that you provided and support services?
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As a parent, especially with both of my kids, the last thing I wanted to hear was there was something wrong.
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You know we had, and as a parent and you give you know I always share with this, with parents.
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But there are core values that we have that are developed in our early, early years.
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All of us and I never picked up a baby doll that had a seizure disorder or a who had CP or was visually impaired or had other disabilities.
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Every baby doll we pick up as a child, they're perfect, there's nothing wrong with them, and that becomes a core value.
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And the reason it becomes a core value is that as the toddler, somewhere between 10 and 18 months, we start pretending to be mommies or daddies, and so that's very embedded in us and so we never think about us being.
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You know.
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We may think, oh this, you know, when you're pregnant you might think about it, but it never filters to the front, if so to speak.
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So the first thing I will tell parents is not to beat themselves up because they don't see what's happened, they don't see what's in front of them, or that they put it off.
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I put it off, I didn't ask for help sooner, you know, because it's a core value and you have to shake that core value to accept that I need to do something.
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And once you, once you, you ask for help, help is there.
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Talk to your pediatrician If you're concerned about your child and your pediatrician tells you and I don't want to say this negatively, but sometimes they'll say wait, give it time.
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And sometimes that's the truth, sometimes it is just give it time.
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And sometimes I will tell a parent that because, based on what I know and sometimes parents are like, especially my teachers, my staff, because they're in it they're saying oh, I'm kind of and I'll say bring them in.
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And so what?
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I would say parents in Kings County that are listening and they've got concerns, specifically from birth to age five, call us Our number is 559-584-1551 and ask for a screening.
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We can do that, we can screen and when we screen, if we feel like they need more help, that they might qualify for additional, what we would call more intensive services, we'll ask them can we refer you for services?
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And if not, if we don't feel like you know they wouldn't qualify, then we're going to follow up with them and then we're going to check in with the family in a month or two to see if things are doing better and if they're not.
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And so we're there, you know, and it's really really simple and there is absolutely no judgment.
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I think that is the hardest thing sometimes for parents is that they think that there's going to be judgment, that somebody is going to judge them because they took too long to get in or they held their baby all the time, and now they you know they didn't tell me time.
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There's no judgment to that, but there is strategies to help them move forward and we understand it.
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As a grandma, I never put my grandkids down on the floor.
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When I had them and they would go home and want to be held, I said, oops, that was my bad, but really not.
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You can't spoil a baby, you can't.
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They need that skin-to-skin touch, they need to be held.
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That's what they need and their brains are telling them that's what they need.
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And their brains are telling them that's what they need.
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So it's okay.
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But, yeah, we're happy to help in any form or fashion that we are able to do.
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So I understand you're going to get some more time to hold those babies and grandchildren and spend more time with your family.
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Let's hear about your upcoming retirement grandchildren and spent more time with your family.
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Let's hear about your upcoming retirement.
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Well, yes, I will be done, working officially until June 30th.
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My son that I told you, our second born son was not supposed to live past age five and he passed away just shy of his 30th birthday.
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So that was in November, and that was the only.
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He was the only reason that my husband and I were still inhabiting the home life.
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He stayed at home with us.
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We had two fabulous caregivers that would come in every day and help with him and allowed me to be his mom and not so much his nurse, and he required a lot.
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He required 24-7 care that meant that we needed to be here most of the time with him, and so when he passed, we carried a lot of guilt, just simply because we now have an opportunity to travel, something that's on our bucket list.
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Our bucket list for both of us is to travel and see every state and to do something in that state that's about that state.
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So, like for we're going to go to Vermont.
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We've been there.
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We had the opportunity to take a few days off a couple of years ago.
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We've been there, but we went during the summer when there was no fall foliage, so we want to go back for the fall.
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But going to Vermont means you got to go to a syrup farm.
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You got to go to a maple tree farm.
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So that's just an example of some of the things we want to do.
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We want to do something in every state.
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We traveled a lot before we had kids.
00:27:06.089 --> 00:27:10.561
We traveled with our kids and with Jacob until he couldn't travel any longer.
00:27:10.561 --> 00:27:13.294
So we've been places.
00:27:13.294 --> 00:27:16.362
But now we really have an opportunity.
00:27:16.362 --> 00:27:26.301
So we don't want to wait until we can't, so we're going to go ahead and go for it.
00:27:26.301 --> 00:27:30.199
So UCP will always be in my heart.
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I always say they're in my DNA.
00:27:32.626 --> 00:27:35.874
My DNA is totally changed because of UCP.
00:27:35.874 --> 00:27:42.404
My points of view are changed and I will always be available to.
00:27:42.404 --> 00:27:44.073
That's what I tell my staff.
00:27:44.073 --> 00:27:49.279
Now, don't worry, I'm still there If you have a question, you know, or you need me to come.
00:27:49.279 --> 00:27:50.215
If you need me to come do a training, I'm still there.
00:27:50.215 --> 00:27:50.836
If you have a question, you know, or you or you need me to come.
00:27:50.836 --> 00:27:53.961
If you need me to come do a training, I'm happy to do that.
00:27:55.483 --> 00:28:00.101
I know you're going to, you're going to find your way in there, I know, and that's good, that's good for the soul.
00:28:01.170 --> 00:28:04.494
It is absolutely Um, ucp.
00:28:04.494 --> 00:28:12.886
Really, um was what I needed for my, for me and for my spirit when I went back to work.
00:28:12.886 --> 00:28:15.151
It was just a huge blessing for me.
00:28:16.594 --> 00:28:17.496
Well, that's wonderful.
00:28:17.496 --> 00:28:25.260
Debbie, I want to thank you so much for coming on the show and I'd also like to give a shout out to Barbie Brown, who suggested the interview.
00:28:25.260 --> 00:28:28.556
Thanks, barbie, and for all the work that both of you do.
00:28:28.556 --> 00:28:38.651
And, debbie, can you give us the website and maybe some social media sites that people can go to to find out, to learn more about UCP?
00:28:39.573 --> 00:28:40.695
Yes, absolutely.
00:28:40.695 --> 00:28:45.311
First of all, just let me tell you that Barbie was one of my very first moms.
00:28:45.311 --> 00:29:08.253
That was in the program when I was a peer parent and, um, I was so excited when, when, um, I met up with her again a few years ago, Um, and, and she, she's just um, and, and to bring her on board to be part of our program has just been a real pleasure, Um, so our website is ucpccorg.
00:29:08.253 --> 00:29:21.326
We have the same call letters for Facebook, Indeed, Instagram and X, and probably more.
00:29:22.412 --> 00:29:23.856
There's a lot out there, that's for sure.
00:29:23.856 --> 00:29:33.278
Debbie, again, thank you so much for coming on the show and we really appreciate everything that you've done for the children in the Valley, and we wish you the best in your retirement.
00:29:34.330 --> 00:29:35.876
Thank you so much for having me.
00:29:35.876 --> 00:29:41.682
I really appreciate being able to share about our programs at UCP Central California.
00:29:42.163 --> 00:29:48.259
Thank you, Well, that's all the time we have for this week's show.
00:29:48.259 --> 00:29:53.823
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00:30:00.844 --> 00:30:05.020
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00:30:05.020 --> 00:30:10.411
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00:30:10.411 --> 00:30:11.693
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00:30:11.693 --> 00:30:13.858
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00:30:13.858 --> 00:30:21.794
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00:30:21.794 --> 00:30:27.492
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00:30:27.492 --> 00:30:33.602
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00:30:33.602 --> 00:30:35.104
Thanks for listening.
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Have a great week.