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On this episode we get some City Council updates, a look at the community calendar and hear a heartwarming story from Kings County Animal Services.
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This is the Hanford Insider Podcast for Monday, august 5th.
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Hey everybody, welcome to this episode of the Hanford Insider.
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I'm your host, rob Bentley.
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Thanks for listening In community news this week.
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The Hanford City Council will meet on Tuesday evening At the 4 o'clock study session.
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The Council will receive an update regarding the possible expansion of Hidden Valley Park, including a peek at some of the conceptual drawings based on community input.
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The project will be an expensive one and there's currently no funding, but it's important to have these plans ready in the event of a big grant that comes through, like it did with the Heroes Park that's going in off Grangeville 9 1⁄4 in a few years.
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The regular meeting will start at 7 pm.
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Some of the items on the agenda include approval of an emergency engine replacement for one of the Hanford Fire Department trucks, a public hearing to discuss the zoning designation on the northwest corner of Grangeville and Centennial Drive for a future development and, with the success of the Winter Winterland, the city will be purchasing an ice rink and Zamboni this year instead of renting According to the proposal.
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The purchase of the ice rink has an excellent return and long-term investment in the future of Winter Wonderland event for many years.
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As a result of this purchase, future event expenses will be reduced by over $100,000 annually, providing solid financial sustainability.
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After three successful seasons, the Winter Wonderland event has become a regional destination within the southern San Joaquin Valley.
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Last year it drew over 110,000 visitors, solicited strong sponsorship support from local businesses and created memorable holiday experiences for families.
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This year's edition of the Hanford Winter Wonderland will open November 23rd and run through January 12th.
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If you're interested in getting involved, contact the Department of Parks and Community Services.
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The City Council was scheduled to have a discussion at this meeting regarding revisions to the canine handler policies but due to litigation they had to postpone the discussion.
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They did announce that a plaque has been installed in the lobby of the Hanford Police Department honoring K-9 officers.
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That you can visit the Hanford PD station to view the new plaque 9 to 5, monday through Friday.
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Speaking of the police department, they've announced the formation of a Citizens Police Academy.
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The academy, meant to educate Hanford citizens in the operations and practices of the department, includes over 20 hours of skilled and professional instruction delivered in weekly three-hour sessions.
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To enroll they require six consecutive Thursday evenings from 6 until 9 pm.
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The first academy begins Thursday September 19th.
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Head to hanfordcagov slash citizens for more information on how to apply.
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We began this podcast back in August of 2023 with a great interview about the Church of the Savior Soup Kitchen.
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Some situations have gotten better, but they are still in need of some of the many basic items.
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Their inventory is running low.
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The soup kitchen served nearly 6,000 meals just last month alone, and the numbers just continue to climb higher and higher.
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For more information, visit their Facebook site at Episcopal Church of the Savior or just stop by the Soup Kitchen at the corner of Dowdy Street and 11th Street in downtown Hanford.
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Here are some things coming up on our community calendar.
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At this week's Thursday Night Marketplace, it'll be a Hanford birthday celebration with music from the Dirty Papas, a classic rock band.
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A Hanford birthday celebration with music from the Dirty Papas, a classic rock band.
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The Kings County Elections Department would like to remind everyone that if you plan to run for an office or a school board position, the last day to file is this Friday, august 9th.
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The Hanford Parks and Community Services Department is holding another free movie night this Friday, august 9th, featuring Disney's Encanto.
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This month's movie night will be held at the Longfield Center on Dowdy Street.
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The movie begins at dusk, but you can set out your lawn, chair and blanket early and enjoy some of the vendors that will be there.
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The King's Arts Center is currently presenting the Marty Weekly Exhibition.
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The exhibition runs through September 1st in the Marcellus Gallery.
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For more information, visit kingsartcenterorg.
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The City of Hanford will be holding a grand opening of the Earl F Johnson Park play structure on Saturday, august 10th, at 9 am.
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Everyone is invited to come and see the new improvements to the park.
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Also on August 10th, the Battle of the Dojos, which is a mixed martial arts competition, will be held in the Hanford Civic Auditorium beginning at 10 am.
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Also on August 10th, the Battle of the Dojos, which is a mixed martial arts competition, will be held in the Hanford Civic Auditorium beginning at 10 am.
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Another activity that morning is the Hanford FFA Cornhole Tournament to benefit the trip to the convention.
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The event will be held at the District Farm on the corner of Centennial and Greenfield.
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This is an adults-only event.
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For more information, contact Willie Pimentel at 559-707-3508.
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The Hanford High School football team will be holding their fifth annual kickoff dinner at Hall of Fame induction night on Saturday, august 10th at the Hanford Fraternal Hall.
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There are just a few tickets remaining being inducted into the 2024 Hall of Fame.
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This year are John Giannola, receiver, rod Fidiausi, lineman, john Clark, linebacker, and Danny Kula, who has served as announcer for quite a few years for the Bullpups.
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The Remington is hosting Luau on August 16th at 3 pm.
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There will be hula dancing and a performance by Kaloa.
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If you have an event coming up and you'd like some help getting the word out, let's work together.
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Send your information to hanfordinsider at gmailcom.
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Be sure to subscribe to my weekly newsletter to get a complete calendar.
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Well, we know that animal services is an important part of any city community and we are fortunate to be here today with Ashley Sodini, who is the manager of the Kings County Animal Services Department, and Cindy Fernandez, who is the outreach coordinator.
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Welcome to the show.
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Thank you for having us.
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So, Ashley, can you tell us a little bit about the Animal Services Department in Kings County and what role it serves in the service to Kings County?
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Absolutely so.
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Animal Services for Kings County.
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We go out and we service for the unincorporated areas of Kings County, so places like Armona, Stratford, Kettleman City, Kings County.
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We go out and we service for the unincorporated areas of Kings County, so places like Armona, Stratford, Kettleman City and all the outside areas, outside of city limits, and our officers will go out.
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They'll respond to calls for service for stray dogs, bike complaints, noise complaints, anything having to do with animals that are running at large, basically, and sometimes if people are having an issue with other dogs that may not be running at large, basically, and sometimes if people are having an issue with other dogs that may not be running at large but there's an ongoing issue for some reason.
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The shelter here we shelter animals for the unincorporated areas, the ones that our officers pick up.
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But then we also have a contract with Hanford City and Lemoore City so they have their own animal control officers that'll go out for calls for service, much like ours do, but we house their animals here, so they'll bring them here for people to reclaim or to adopt.
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So it's a good partnership with the outlying areas then.
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It is yeah.
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Very good partnership.
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So, ashley, can you tell us a little bit about the spay and neuter program that you have for cats?
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Yes, so currently we do offer spay and neuter low cost spay and neuter for the public for their cats.
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At the moment it is $60 per cat and we have a website online where people can go to request an appointment.
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It is very limited space because the vet that we do have that's offering the service for us only has so much space to give, so we have about 20 slots per week.
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People need to get on there right away if they want to get the appointments.
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They go pretty fast.
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Lots of people want to get their cats fixed for a really good price $60.
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You can't beat that and that includes a rabies vaccine.
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So you know you go to a vet to have that done and it can be pretty costly.
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We're lucky enough to have a vet that will do it for a lower cost for us.
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So what other types of services do you offer for animals that are coming into the shelter?
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Well, as far as for the public, we do offer microchipping for $10.
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We love microchipping.
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Super important, that's what gets dogs home.
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So if you ever have a dog that gets out, gets away from you and you don't have a microchip, might want to consider that because that is the best way to get a dog back home.
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We also offer licensing for the unincorporated areas Again, armona, stratford, kettleman areas Again, armona, stratford, kettleman.
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All that the licensing is for rabies.
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So once you get your dog the rabies vaccine, you show proof of it to us, proof that your dog is fixed, and we'll get you a license.
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So that takes a lot of medical care for pets, and I know that we had spoken earlier about the crisis in veterinarians.
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There simply aren't enough vets to go around.
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How does that affect you?
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Mostly it's when dogs come in with medical issues.
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So we have to take in all stray dogs and a lot of times we're getting injured dogs of varying degrees and so we have to.
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We work closely with a few vets in our area to get them the medical care that they need, especially because you know, if these dogs are owned, we want to make sure that before they go back to their owners and they're injured, we know what's going on so we can tell the owners.
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But outside of that, we don't want to house or keep dogs in any sort of pain.
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If they need something seen to, we got to get that done.
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But because of the limits the limited amount of vets that are in this area it can cause issues as far as like getting them in to be seen and also money.
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As much as our vets that we use are great with us and they know our struggle, it still can be costly to help every single animal with some sort of medical emergency.
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So you mentioned some of the limitations that you have with veterinarians, and I would imagine the facility has needs as well.
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What does the facility here manage and look like and what are some of the limitations that you deal with?
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animal that comes through here.
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But at the moment we only have 50 kennels and there's a lot more dogs out there than we can house in 50 kennels and we're putting, like, at least two dogs to a kennel to try to keep them engaged for one so that they have a friend, but also to try to keep as many dogs as we can.
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So that would be the biggest limitation is just the space factor.
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Other limitations would just be you know, it's an old facility, it's at least 70 years old just brick that's breaking apart and not everything works like it should or can, and so it's a lot of times we're trying to keep things going as well as we can.
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It's summer, it's super hot, we can only do so much with swamp coolers, which would be, it's the best thing that we can use in our buildings, but that can only do so much, so it's fans all over the place and when we can, putting pools in the kennels for the dogs.
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Biggest limitation is Well, Ashley, you certainly have an amazing staff here at the Animal Center doing amazing things, it sounds like, and we're very fortunate to have you.
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One of the things that's very important for the Animal Center is Outreach.
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Coordinator Cindy can tell you a little bit about how you can get a pet adopted here at the Animal Center.
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Cindy, can you tell us a little bit about that?
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So our adoption process is super easy.
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You just come on down to our shelter.
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We're located at 10909 Bonneview Lane.
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We're right off of 11th and Houston, kind of a little ways down the street.
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Or you can go online to 24 Pet Connect.
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All of our animals are listed on there.
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Everything gets updated on the hour.
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We offer a foster to adopt program, which is amazing.
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You're able to take these pets into your home.
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Give them that awesome trial run, see if they fit in with the family, the pets, the kids, mom, grandma, everybody.
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So our main goal is to get our dogs and cats into loving forever homes.
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Well, ashley, I know that the shelter runs on the goodwill of people.
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You have a lot of people, great people, working for you.
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The community at large would like to help.
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What ways can they get involved at the Animal Center and actually help you respond to some of these needs?
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Well, donations are great.
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Anything that you can give, we will take almost anything.
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People will bring in food that they opened and their dogs decide they didn't like.
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Beds, toys If you're spring cleaning and you find sheets and towels that you no longer want to use, it's all stuff that we'll take.
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Bedding is great for our dogs to give them something comfy to sleep on.
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If they can't be in a home, we make it as homey for them here as possible.
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Toys are amazing.
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It's great to get them playing and so that they keep their mind engaged and everything and they don't stress out in the kennel.
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Donating food we do have a pet pantry that we offer for families that are in rough times right now.
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A lot of us are and are finding it hard to keep their animals fed.
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It's another additional layer.
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We offer the free pet food and we get donations from the public.
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A couple of stores around town offer donations as well.
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Tractor Supply, costco, have been really great giving us food donations so that we can give that to the public.
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That service, and then also just their time, and Cindy can tell you more.
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Fostering, volunteering, all great.
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So Cindy Ashley mentioned volunteering and I know that you have a good team of volunteers.
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How would somebody go about volunteering at the Animal Center?
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So you can actually go on to our website.
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It's on countyofkingscom.
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You go to departments general services and then animal services and off to your left we'll give you options.
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You fill out an application that goes straight to me and Ashley.
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One of us will respond to you and at that point we can get you out here.
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You can help us walk dogs, clean the property, which isn't generally what we have you do, but walking our dogs, socializing with them, helping them decompress.
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Recently had two girls come out.
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They were amazing Jordan and Natalie.
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They did great.
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They did photos for us.
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They really showed some of our old timers some love.
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They dressed them up, which was adorable.
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So if you look at our fur babies page, you'll see their photos there.
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And this weekend we're going to have a group coming out to help us fix our dog park and that is amazing because that helps our animals get out of the kennel, relieve some of that anxiety that they get from being in there for so long, because the noise, the stress, all of that adds up and we want to help them decompress, get all that stress out.
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So, yeah, the volunteers help so much and we really appreciate them.
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They have no idea.
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Cindy and Ashley, you don't do this alone.
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Obviously, you have a team of volunteers, but you have a staff that works behind the scenes to make this all succeed.
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Can you tell us a little bit about your staff and maybe give some shout outs?
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They work so hard and their heart is totally in what we do.
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They love the animals and they want to do their best to help these animals as long as they are here.
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We've got a volunteer who's now kind of extra help.
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She doesn't get nearly enough, but she has been working here for years at least 20 years and she runs our rescues as well.
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She helps get our dogs out to rescues.
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She takes the dogs out and assesses them.
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Usually she's the one I go to if somebody's asking for something in particular.
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She knows the dogs pretty well or knows what somebody needs.
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And our kennel techs they're here day in, day out cleaning.
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It's a thankless job Someone's got to do it but they're here to make sure that our kids are clean and happy and comfortable as much as possible.
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Nobody wants to be here.
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Nobody wants the dogs to be here.
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I wish we didn't have this job, but if they have to, at least we can provide them with as much comfort as possible.
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I just want to add that, even though our guys are here for a minute with us, the staff is so amazing.
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When we walk through the door they get excited, they jump around, they're happy to see us because we become their people.
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We're happy to be that.
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We're happy to be here with them every day.
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But you can help.
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You can adopt, you can foster, you can volunteer and you can make that difference.
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You can adopt, you can foster, you can volunteer and you can make that difference.
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I'd like to thank both of you for coming on the show.
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This has been a tremendous time and I appreciate all of the work that you do for the county citizens, and I know that hopefully your phones will be ringing off the hook for volunteers and your website.
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You'll get a lot of adoptions coming up, so thank you.
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Thank you so much for coming out.
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Thank you, we really appreciate you coming out.
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I really enjoyed meeting Ashley and Cindy.
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Their love for animals is very apparent.
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I have a deep admiration for people who are involved and take care of animals in our community.
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If you're in search of a pet for your family, look no further than our local animal shelters.
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My family was so blessed by our shelter dog, basie, that we adopted years ago.
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Along with the Kings County Animal Services, there are places like the SPCA and Valley Animal Haven, just to name a few.
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They all would benefit greatly from our generosity.
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Most of them have Facebook pages and websites that you can follow to learn about their needs.
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Well, that's all the time we have for this week's show.
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Next week, hanford will be celebrating its 133rd birthday and I've invited local historian Michael Simas to come on the show.
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He and I will talk a little local history and answer some of the most commonly questions people have wondered about.
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If you have a question you'd like answered, send me an email or text and I'll be sure to include your question in our discussion.
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If you enjoyed this podcast and you'd like to support, you, can go to buymeacoffeecom slash Hanford Insider to make a donation.
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If you'd like to join the Hanford Insider email list, stop by my website at hanfordinsidercom to sign up for updates.
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You'll also get an exclusive copy of my newsletter in your inbox each week.
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You can send me feedback by voicemail through the website by clicking on the microphone icon.
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I'd love to hear from you.
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I also need your help getting the word out about the show by liking and sharing on social media or telling a friend For more information about the show.
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You can find this podcast on Facebook, instagram, threads X and YouTube at Hanford Insider.
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If you have a show idea, be sure to email me at hanfordinsider at gmailcom and I'll look into it.
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Thanks for listening.
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Stay cool and have a great week.