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This is the Hanford Insider for Monday, July 29th.
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Hey everybody, welcome to this episode of the Hanford Insider.
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I'm your host, Rob Bentley.
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Thanks for listening.
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This episode marks the first new episode of season two.
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I started the podcast a year ago this week and I really appreciate all of the support from my listeners who have encouraged me along the way and who have helped me grow the show over the last 12 months.
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During the month of July, I asked listeners to give me feedback and you guys really showed up.
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I want to thank all of you who provided encouragement, suggestions and ideas, Listeners like Terry Brousseau, for instance.
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She's the winner of the $25 Amazon gift card that I'm giving out to one lucky listener for completing the survey.
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Terry, you can email me and I'll get the card to you.
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Thanks again.
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In community news, the Hadford City Council will have their next meeting again on August 6th.
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Travis Payton held a Coffee with the Mayor event on Saturday at Starbucks at 11th and Fargo to answer questions from residents in the area about community issues, and I had the chance to catch up with him to see how it went.
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Well, rob, it was a wonderful Saturday morning just meeting members of the community over a cup of coffee.
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You know, starbucks is busy as usual and with people coming in and out, it gave them the opportunity to ask questions, say hello and share their concerns.
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That's going on in the city of Hanford.
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This provided a great opportunity to hear the community's pulse and to hear what was on their mind.
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So what kind of questions did you get?
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Well, some questions were about homelessness and how the new executive order from California Governor Gavin Newsom would impact the city of Hanford, and others were really concerned about the upcoming sales tax revenue measure that voters will consider on November 5th.
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It was really important for me to share with them the needs and facts about how our city's sales tax is distributed now and how it would benefit our community in the future.
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I just felt this informal gathering was an excellent way to hear directly from the constituents who may not attend our city council meetings or see it on live stream.
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So I understand you're going to do a pizza with the mayor at the 10th and Fargo Mianeds.
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Yeah, my next sit down it will be in District C at the Mianeds Saturday, august 3rd from 2 to 4 pm, and hope to see anybody there to just share their opinions, ask questions and have some pizza.
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That's awesome, travis.
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Thanks for the update.
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All right, thanks, rob, for having me.
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The Thursday Night Marketplace has faced weeks of cancellations due to the extreme heat.
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As of the recording day of the show, it looks like the temperatures on Thursday will be just below the threshold of 106 degrees.
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Let's keep our fingers crossed.
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This weekly event means so much to so many and it's nice to see that the community wants to get together, but Main Street Hanford has to take care of the vendors and volunteers.
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Completely understandable.
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It was so disappointing to see the negativity on social media about the cancellations.
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Let's do better.
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Hanford, I've got some news for you about some events coming up in the fall that you might be interested in.
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The city announced that, after 45 years, the annual Renaissance Festival in the Civic Park will charge $5 admission this year.
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The city has many expenses to cover for the event and the proceeds will help cover some of those costs, even though China Alley is still rebuilding after the arson.
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Back in 2021, a special tribute to the beloved Moon Festival will take place at the Carnegie Museum of Kings County on Saturday, september 28, as part of the Asian Experiences exhibit that the museum is sponsoring.
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The Fresno, gumo, taiko and the Cow Polly Lion Dance Team will be performing and you won't want to miss it.
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Follow the Carnegie Museum of Kings County on Facebook for details.
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Here are some things coming up on our community calendar.
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The Kings County Elections Department would like to remind everyone that if you plan to run for an office or school board position, the last day to file is Thursday August 9th.
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The Kings County Community Action is holding a Kids Day at the Fast Plaza on Thursday August 1st from 3 to 7.
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There will be lots of fun activities.
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On Friday August 9th, the Salvation Army in Hanford is having their annual Back to School Bash.
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Many volunteers and donations of back-to-school supplies are needed.
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Contact the office on Ivy Street for more information.
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The City of Hanford will be holding a grand opening of the Earl F Johnson Park play structure on Saturday, august 10th at 9 am.
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Everyone is invited to see the new improvements in the park.
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If you have an event coming up and you'd like some help getting the word out, let's work together.
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Send your information to hanfordinsider at gmailcom.
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Be sure to subscribe to my weekly newsletter to get a complete calendar of events.
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If you've seen more planes and helicopters circling Hanford over the last few months, you're not alone.
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After a tip from one of our listeners, I thought it would be a great idea to take a peek inside the Kings County Sheriff's Department Air Support Unit.
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With me today is Sergeant Jerry Hunter and Senior Deputy Eric Johnson.
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Welcome to the show, guys.
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Welcome, thank you.
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Thank you for having us.
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Hey Jerry, when was the Air Support Unit established and what's the overall mission of?
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the program, our Air Support Unit for the Kings County Sheriff's Office was established in 2014, and our overall mission is to support the deputies and the patrol officers on the ground.
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So how many officers are assigned to the program?
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Currently, myself and Eric Johnson are the two full-time crew, and we're supplemented by four TFOs from other agencies.
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Tfo is a tactical flight officer that operates a camera system, and we also have five volunteer pilots that are all currently military aviators.
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So what types of calls have you responded to?
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We respond to every call imaginable.
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Our bread and butter are vehicle pursuits and perimeters locating people that are hiding from law enforcement, but we respond to every type of call there is.
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You know throughout our shift that we work each day.
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So, Eric, what do the patrols and shifts look like on an average day that you come in to patrol the skies of Kings County?
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Sergeant Hunter and I have a very flexible schedule.
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We make our own schedule.
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We come in just trying to fit the needs of the department.
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When it's hot we fly a few more night shifts.
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If we see a specific time or certain days that are a little busier than others, we'll come in earlier, come in later, so it just depends.
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Generally we work 10-hour shifts, so we'll come in and we'll work four days a week 10-hour shifts.
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Usually we come in and we'll pre-flight the airplane.
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We'll check to see what kind of if there's any crimes that have been happening that we need to watch out for.
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Once the airplane is pre-flighted, we figure out if it's good enough weather to fly, we'll take off.
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We'll fly for a few hours and just assist with any calls we possibly can.
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We can stay in the air for three or four hours at a time, if need be.
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If that gets to be a little long for us, we'll land, we'll get fuel, we'll eat, stretch our legs and then fly again.
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So you're the technology guy, I understand, and you're in charge of the cameras, so this would probably be a good question for you.
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I know on social media sometimes we see a lot of stuff good and bad but one of the common questions that comes up is people talk about you're flying around to spy on people and you know look for to catch them.
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You know doing something, maybe they should, they feel like they should be doing.
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So what is your approach to patrol and how do you use the camera to solve crimes versus just observing what's going on?
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So, yeah, the camera is a phenomenal tool but no, we're not flying around spying on people.
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For the most part there's so many calls for service for us to go to.
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We just help other agencies out Hanford, lemoore, corcoran, Avenel I have a call screen on my computer in the airplane itself so I can see every single call that's coming in, as it's coming in for every agency in the county.
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So I just stare at that call screen most of the night and or most of the day during our flight.
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And when the call comes up that I think we can be of assistance to whether it be a missing child or a pursuit or somebody running or a spousal abuse I look at the call.
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I think we can help and we go to it With the camera.
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We're not just flying around looking in people's backyards.
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We do do directed patrol with the camera trying to find criminals, whether that be reckless drivers that are driving 120 miles an hour on the freeway.
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When we know that certain businesses have been hit with burglaries, we'll keep a special eye on certain businesses.
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When we know that certain businesses have been hit with burglaries, we'll keep a special eye on certain businesses.
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But we're not just flying around looking at people's homes.
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That's just not what we do.
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So then, jerry, tell us a little bit about the program.
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You're based at the Hanford Airport.
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You control the whole county and how do you respond to these different agencies that require service?
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All the calls for service throughout the entire county?
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On his computer in the back of the aircraft.
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My job is simply to get us there.
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Eric will tell me what type of call we're going to.
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I monitor the radio as well, so I have a good idea of what.
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You know what the details of the call are.
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I'll get us in that location.
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Eric takes over all the radio communications, all the law enforcement side of the house.
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I do all the aviation side of the house.
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Fly the uh the proper orbit that best suits Eric Um and while he's operating the camera.
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Well, you guys make a good team.
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Uh, let's say there's a need for service in Corcoran and you're on the ground here in Hanford.
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How long would it take you to get to uh orbit around, maybe a particular incident and for, say, corcoran?
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If we're already here at the airport for our airplane by the time we get in taxi and take off and be overhead in Corcoran.
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You're looking right around 10 minutes With a helicopter again, if we're already here, we can get in, take off and be overhead in about five minutes.
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Yeah that's impressive.
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You guys make a great team so can get in, take off and be overhead in about five minutes.
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Yeah, that's impressive.
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You guys make a great team so you actually utilize.
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Um, there's not a separate crew for the helicopter and a separate crew for the airplane.
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You are able to fly both of them.
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Correct, that's awesome.
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So, jerry, tell us about some of the other agencies that you help out with.
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I know you know you've got definitely Kings County Sheriff's Office and Hanford PD, lamora, pd, avenel and such, but sometimes you get calls for service from other agencies.
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How does that happen?
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Yes, so our primary responsibility is all the agencies in Kings County but, like you were saying, we are often tasked with helping different federal agencies DEA, us Marshals, fbi, as well as other HIDA narcotics teams.
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We help the Highway Patrol if needed, if their aircraft aren't available, and any other agency that may need aerial support that they don't have access to.
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If we're available, we'll help them, but our primary focus is on the agencies in our county.
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But if we're not busy we'll go help other agencies as well.
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So why did Kings County venture into air patrol versus maybe hiring outside agencies to come, what are the advantages of having our own program here, right here in Kings County?
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That's a great question.
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So we work for an amazing sheriff, dave Robinson, and he's very much a forward thinker, trying to keep up with technology and the times of law enforcement.
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Law enforcement tactics have changed throughout the years and our sheriff is a big proponent of supplying the citizens of our county with the latest technology to provide the best law enforcement service that we can.
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Moving forward, we started realizing there is a tremendous need for an aerial law enforcement program and that's what got us pointed in the direction.
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Anytime we need an aviation unit to help us with a search or a pursuit, we'd have to call CHP, we'd have to call the Fresno County Sheriff's Office, sometimes we'd have to call the Kern County Sheriff's Office, who all had airborne law enforcement and when available they would come and assist us.
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And those requests became more and more, it seemed like every month.
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So we decided to start pursuing our own aircraft and what it would take to, you know, get an aircraft and the funding available and the funding needed, the equipment needed, and eventually that led us to where we are today.
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So, Eric, being the eye in the sky, you are following a lot of pursuits leg bales, as we call them but you've also had some special missions to find missing persons and stuff.
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Can you share with us a little bit about the importance of that aspect of the job?
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Oh, definitely, we are an exceptional locating tool, whether it be for missing animals, missing people.
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I've found missing children before that were missing for hours, running around Lemoore, the city of Lemoore, that people couldn't find.
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Recently, a few months back, there was an elderly dementia patient at an assisted living home that had escaped overnight and it was cold in the winter and they couldn't find him for quite a few hours.
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It was a different actually, like we just talked about.
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It was a different agency, different county, but their air support was not available.
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So they called for us and we have no issue going to help, especially in something like that.
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So we flew over and it took us a while.
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Based on the time frame and his age, up in his 80s, we were figuring he wasn't going to be too far, within a mile or two of where he escaped from.
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But come to find out I decided, after searching extensively the area I thought he was going to be in, we couldn't find him, just decided to open up our orbit and search a little bit farther, and luckily I was able to.
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About five miles away, I was able to find this elderly male in a great vineyard and possibly saved his life.
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It was cold, middle of the night and I directed deputies to him to get him medical care and they got him back home.
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So we do that quite often, probably one to three search and rescue missions a month, depending on if we're up, and sometimes they call us for something like that.
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Other agencies will.
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By the time we get in the air they've already found them, but it's nice to have the availability to do it.
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So, jerry, getting back to the helicopter, this is a new program to Kings County and I know those people that have apps on their phones are seeing a Kern County unit, because the helicopter came from Kern County, as I understand it.
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But it is Kings County and that helicopter serves a purpose similar to the air patrol of the winged aircraft, but the helicopter actually has a more specific purpose.
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Can you kind of share with us how the helicopter can get you in places, maybe, that you aren't able to get in with a fixed wing aircraft?
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Absolutely, and that seems to be a hot topic lately on social media.
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So we operate our helicopter just like we do our fixed wing.
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The only difference is the helicopter operates at a much lower level, so it's more apparent to the public.
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Usually when Eric and I are flying patrol missions in the fixed wing we're out of sight, out of mind.
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People don't hear us, they don't know we're in the air, whereas a helicopter obviously it's louder.
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We fly much lower, based on the camera system that's on it.
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But we decided there are some things in airborne law enforcement that a fixed wing can't do, and one is command presence so we could be overhead.
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You know a call for service and again we're at a site, out of mind.
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People don't know that we're there.
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That could be a hindrance sometimes.
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Specifically last summer the county experienced a rash of shootings.
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I believe it was six or seven shootings within four hours.
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We were overhead in the fixed wing.
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During this time we didn't have a helicopter yet and it ended up being rival gangs, so one would go shoot at the other.
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The rival gang would have a meeting.
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Then they would go do another shooting.
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Well, eric and I were watching these meetings taking place, but there's nothing we can do.
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They're on private property, in people's backyards, so the patrol officers can't just walk into somebody's backyard to disrupt these meetings.
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So what we ended up doing to try to stop all these shootings from continuing is we called the Fresno County Sheriff's Office, asked them to fly over the certain neighborhood, turn their spotlight on, just to let the gang members know that hey, we're overhead and we're watching you.
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It was a command presence.
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We didn't have another shooting that night.
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Eric and I were actually orbiting quite several thousand feet above the helicopter and we watched all these gang members just disperse.
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They pointed at the helicopter and eventually um dispersed and we didn't have another shooting that night.
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So the helicopter plays a pivotal role of command presence, but it also gives us the ability during emergency situations to be able to land um to assist patrol officers on the ground.
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For instance, if we have a Kettleman City deputy that's in a fight for his life, you know, say, out on Utica and 25th Avenue, that deputy's patrol beat alone is 750 square miles.
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So depending on where he is, it could take upwards of 45 minutes to an hour for that deputy to get help.
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If it's an absolute emergency, we have the ability of landing the helicopter on the side of the road to be able to get out and help that deputy.
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Both Eric and I have all of our equipment in the helicopter to where you know.
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It's our standard patrol equipment rifles, handguns, duty belt, our vests.
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I would stay with the helicopter, eric would get out and help that deputy.
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Same for traffic accidents.
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I don't know how many times we've been overhead traffic accidents where somebody has been ejected and you know you just have passerbys performing, you know, first aid on this person that essentially it looks like they're going to die.
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Depending how far you know where the car crash is, how far fire is, how far EMS is, we have a trauma kit in our helicopter.
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If the need arises, we can land, eric can jump out, provide emergency first aid until EMS arrives on scene, rather than just flying above it, watching it and being helpless.
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With the addition of the helicopter, we can also do water rescues.
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And being helpless.
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With the addition of the helicopter, we can also do water rescues.
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Those are a hot topic right now with the Kings River.
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I think our dive team did 12 rescues last Friday alone.
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With a helicopter we can attach, it has a cargo hook.
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We can attach a long line with a cinch collar.
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We can fly that collar over to the victim that's in the water.
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They can put the cinch collar around their waist and their chest and we can lift them out of the water onto a canal bank.
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So it just gives us a lot more ability than the fixed wing.
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So that was the reason we decided to purchase it, because it has a lot of capabilities to enhance the safety of the public that we can't currently do with the fixed wing.
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Well, you certainly summed up the importance of the fixed wing and the helicopter and the way that they respond to calls and they're helping keep our county safe For both of you.
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What is something that you think the community should know that maybe we haven't touched on yet?
00:20:17.192 --> 00:20:19.847
Just getting the word out about the program.
00:20:21.401 --> 00:20:24.760
I think the community, I really want to educate the community.
00:20:24.760 --> 00:20:28.550
We just had an open house showing our aircraft to the citizens.
00:20:28.550 --> 00:20:29.271
They paid for them.
00:20:29.271 --> 00:20:30.423
It's their aircraft.
00:20:30.423 --> 00:20:33.593
We just get the luxury of working on them every day.
00:20:35.258 --> 00:20:39.248
Whether it's a fixed wing or the helicopter, we're just on normal patrol.
00:20:39.248 --> 00:20:43.665
If you see the helicopter flying and orbiting a neighborhood, it's because of a call for service.
00:20:43.665 --> 00:20:46.913
It's not necessarily an emergency.
00:20:46.913 --> 00:20:53.845
It could be just a foot chase, it could have been a car chase, we could be looking for somebody hiding in somebody's backyard At night.
00:20:53.845 --> 00:21:00.224
We'll utilize the searchlight on the helicopter, similar to what you see other agencies doing on TV.
00:21:00.224 --> 00:21:02.771
It's not the end of the world that you don't have to fear.
00:21:02.771 --> 00:21:06.009
Uh, we're just doing our job and we're trying to help the guys on the ground.
00:21:06.009 --> 00:21:07.866
Um, that's the biggest importance.
00:21:08.240 --> 00:21:10.249
Again, the fixed wing we're kind of out of sight, out of mind.
00:21:10.249 --> 00:21:12.326
Nobody really knows that we're up there.
00:21:12.326 --> 00:21:13.490
We're the helicopter.
00:21:13.490 --> 00:21:14.624
We fly at lower levels.
00:21:14.624 --> 00:21:15.528
It's louder.
00:21:15.528 --> 00:21:24.165
Uh, the community isn't used to seeing a helicopter until recently.
00:21:24.165 --> 00:21:24.667
Um, so there's been.
00:21:24.667 --> 00:21:26.415
Um, there's been some misinformation on social media about what we're doing.
00:21:26.415 --> 00:21:28.705
It's our helicopter, it's not Kern County's that's where we bought it from.
00:21:28.705 --> 00:21:31.318
Um, but we're just, we're helping the guys on the ground.
00:21:31.318 --> 00:21:31.779
It, it.
00:21:31.779 --> 00:21:35.483
It isn't a uh, you know, a major emergency situation.
00:21:35.483 --> 00:21:38.307
We're just helping the guys on the ground try to find whoever they're looking for.
00:21:39.067 --> 00:21:40.529
Yeah, I'm not sure I can add much to that.
00:21:40.529 --> 00:21:42.932
Sergeant Hunter hit the nail on the head.
00:21:42.932 --> 00:21:51.132
The big thing with the helicopter and social media is oh, they have the searchlight on, so they must be looking for a drug dealer or something.
00:21:51.132 --> 00:21:59.240
Sometimes we use the searchlight to direct which is a benefit of the helicopter, the airplane, me in the back.
00:21:59.240 --> 00:22:05.534
I'm having to tell the deputies, trying to direct the deputies or officers in to what I'm looking at, and sometimes it's hard.
00:22:05.534 --> 00:22:07.548
It's like hey, go to the greenhouse.
00:22:07.548 --> 00:22:09.647
They're like well, they all look green down here.
00:22:09.779 --> 00:22:15.424
Okay, well, go three houses to your east and then make a right Okay With a helicopter, especially if it's at night.
00:22:15.424 --> 00:22:18.353
Hey, the person you're looking for is in this backyard.