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June 28, 2024

Hanford Insider: Recognizing Gary Feinstein, and Transformative Foreign Exchange Experiences

Hanford Insider: Recognizing Gary Feinstein, and Transformative Foreign Exchange Experiences

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Ever wondered how a single photograph can capture the soul of a community? Join us as we honor Gary Feinstein's extraordinary photography and explore his impact on Hanford. We also talk with Fire Chief Daniel Perkins about the dangers of illegal fireworks and highlight some fantastic events on the horizon, including the Hanford Toy Anime Comic Con and the Carnegie Museum of Kings County's exhibit. Discover how these community happenings are shaping our town and what you can do to get involved.

In the latter half of our episode, Holly Nichols and Margie Wilhelm from WorldLink International share compelling stories about the powerful impact of hosting foreign exchange students. Listen to testimonials from past students and learn about the confidence and leadership skills they gain through these transformative experiences. Holly and Margie will guide you through the process of becoming a host family, regardless of your family structure, and emphasize how you can make a difference in a young person's life. From application steps to personal visits, find out how WorldLink ensures a supportive and enriching environment for both students and hosts.

If you are interested in learning more about World Link Exchange, please contact Margie Wilhem (559) 309-3329 vbmom@me.com

You can find the Hanford Insider at www.hanfordinsider.com and on social media at @hanfordinsider
Thank you for supporting the show!


01:26 - Community News

04:16 - Community Calendar

05:09 - World Link Exchange


00:00:01.461 --> 00:00:11.396
On this week's episode of the Insider, we'll have an opportunity to recognize Gary Feinstein for his contributions to the community through his camera lens.

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Then Holly Nichols and Margie Wilhelm from WorldLink International, stop by to let us know how you can help bring exchange students to Hanford this year.

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This is the Hanford this year.

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This is the Hanford.

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Insider for Monday, july 1st.

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Hey everybody, welcome to this episode of the Hanford Insider.

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I'm your host, rob Bentley.

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Thanks for listening.

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This episode will be the last episode of Season 1.

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I've done a new show every week for just about a year, and now it's time to take a little break.

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I'll be back with a quick update on July 22nd and start with Season 2 on July 29th with a full show.

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Don't worry, though, I'm going to push out two Encore episodes that will air on July 8th and July 15th.

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On July 8th, we'll revisit the popular episode with Hanford Police Chief Stephanie Huddleston, and on July 15th, we'll hear again how the City of Hanford is working to attract new businesses to town.

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I hope you'll enjoy these episodes, especially if you haven't heard them before In community news.

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The Hanford City Council will be meeting on Tuesday, july 2nd at 7 pm in the Civic Auditorium Council Chambers.

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Illegal fireworks continue to be a problem.

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I spoke with Fire Chief Daniel Perkins about it a few weeks ago.

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But fireworks in general are dangerous in and of themselves.

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Even safe and sane fireworks that are not used in a safe and sane manner can be very dangerous.

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So I think one of the things to talk about in that is really being responsible, thinking about what's going to happen downwind, downrange of this flaming piece of aerial, you know celebration that we have, and think about what it might do to someone else If we have any type of wind at all.

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Any little ember from an aerial firework and again, any firework that becomes aerial greater than five feet is a safe and sane firework.

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It may be between five and six feet, but anything greater in height than that, that's not a safe, insane firework, that's an illegal firework and that causes that ember to get up, move into the next layer of movement of air, which are called the 20 foot winds.

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Once it gets to that 20 foot wind, that ember is going to travel at great distance.

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It's going to drop on the ground and start a fire distant to where you may be doing your fireworks.

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So you think well, nothing's ever happened when I did it, no one got hurt.

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Well, unbeknownst to you, it's traveled, you know, a half a block away, gotten onto someone else's roof.

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Fallen in next to some dry grass next to their trash cans, they go to bed, falling in next to some dry grass next to their trash cans, they go to bed and then, two o'clock in the morning, like we do every single year, we end up with a trash can fire next to a house that gets up into the attic and now we've burnt down someone's home, with someone thinking, well, nothing ever happened.

00:03:19.241 --> 00:03:29.735
So that connective tissue between an aerial firework that's greater than six feet again that illegal firework is right there.

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People don't.

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If it doesn't impact them directly, there was no problem, and I think that's really the part of that is, it's not going to be seen by you, you're not going to know that it's happening, but the tragic results are that someone may lose their home.

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Someone may even lose their life Right.

00:03:47.790 --> 00:03:53.924
On Thursday I had the great opportunity to sit down with Gary Feinstein, who many of you know is the Sentinel photographer.

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He's been documenting events for us through his camera lens for years.

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Several listeners and I came up with the idea of showering him with some gift cards to show our appreciation for all that he does for our community.

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We'd like to take this opportunity to say thank you, gary, for sharing your love of photography with us.

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The next time you see him at an event, make sure you let him know how much you appreciate his work.

00:04:15.441 --> 00:04:22.120
Here are some things coming up on our community calendar.

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The Carnegie Museum of Kings County presents Kings County's Asian Experiences.

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The museum is located at 109 East 8th Street and is open each Friday, saturday and Sunday from 1 pm to 5 pm.

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Admission is $5 per person, with a $10 family maximum.

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For more information, you can visit carnegiemuseumofkingscountyorg.

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The Hanford Toy Anime Comic Con will be held on Sunday, july 7th, from 11 to 4 in the Hanford Fraternal Hall.

00:04:50.824 --> 00:04:55.779
If you have an event coming up and you'd like some help getting the word out, let's work together.

00:04:55.779 --> 00:04:59.533
Send your information to hanfordinsider at gmailcom.

00:04:59.533 --> 00:05:04.103
Be sure to subscribe to my weekly newsletter to get a complete calendar of events.

00:05:04.103 --> 00:05:24.442
Well, before you know it, students will be flooding into the local schools and we actually have the opportunity to host some foreign exchange students here in our area.

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It's been a very successful program in the past.

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I thought it would be a great opportunity to invite some representatives from WorldLink on the show to talk about the Foreign Exchange Student Program and how you can get involved in possibly hosting a student.

00:05:38.084 --> 00:05:39.656
Welcome to the show, holly and Margie.

00:05:40.750 --> 00:05:42.134
Thank you, Rob, for having us.

00:05:42.134 --> 00:05:44.822
We're super excited that you had us on Perfect timing.

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Thank you so much for talking to us.

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Holly, let's start with you.

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You're the regional coordinator of Colorado Springs, colorado, and I know that WorldLink is very important to you.

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Can you kind of explain to us what WorldLink is and how they are involved in the exchange program?

00:06:02.221 --> 00:06:03.122
Absolutely so.

00:06:03.122 --> 00:06:06.415
Worldlink is a special entity.

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There are many exchange students that come to the United States.

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28,000 visas are issued every year.

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So we have all these visas that are issued around the country for exchange students.

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But World Bank's a little bit different.

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So we only work with a group of exchange students who are selected on a scholarship through the US Department of State.

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So to be on our program, you have to earn your way.

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So our country has been working with different countries across the world for the past 30 years and right after the Cold War they started bringing students over to the United States in order to try to bring some sort of understanding between the cultures.

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And then, after 9-11, they started again with another similar program.

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So there's all these programs that are going on as far as diplomacy student-to-student, person-to-person, people-to-people diplomacy projects and WorldLink only works with those projects.

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So you can't pay to come on WorldLink, you can't write a check, your parents can't write you a check and come over from Western Europe somewhere.

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We work with unusual countries that a lot of people haven't heard of before, haven't spent much time researching, because it's countries where we're trying to build as a country, trying to build understanding between different people.

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So that's what makes us a little bit unique is we only work with that group.

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So WorldLink works in selective states.

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Like you said, I am in Colorado Springs but we work on the western side of the country.

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We work in different states but we try to keep it very localized where we have groups of kids.

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So we work with about 140 students a year across the entire country and then we put those students in little groups and within those groups the Central Valley has been a great group for us.

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So we're super excited to have this on because it is kind of a hub for WorldLink.

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Because it is kind of a hub for WorldLink, it is a place where we do have a good group every year of students working with the schools there and working with the local families.

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So, Margie, bringing it to the Central Valley, here you are, the area coordinator coordinating students in Fresno, Tulare and Kings Counties.

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What can you tell us about the needs for this year?

00:08:10.630 --> 00:08:11.915
This year is like every year.

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We're looking for a great host family for our students.

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We work well with all of our school local schools.

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They know who we are in Hanford.

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Hanford High School District only takes WorldLink students, so they have decided that they would like to work with us.

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Exclusively is what they have done.

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But we work with so many districts here and we are always looking for families and we like to make sure our families and our students are somehow like, have some kind of background in links that would make a perfect placement perfect placement.

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We are always happy to you know work with new people because I feel like we are spreading something that is really important, just the cultural exchange learning so much myself included because, really honestly, I've hosted kids from countries that I didn't even know existed 10 years ago.

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So we're always excited to find those families and place our kids there.

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I love the fact that WorldLink students win a scholarship and that any student can apply.

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So all our students come from various socioeconomic backgrounds and I love that.

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That's one of the things that kind of have kept me here is that we really do give students an opportunity to do a cultural exchange students who otherwise wouldn't be able to do that, so that's something that's exciting for me.

00:09:41.309 --> 00:09:46.677
Holly, I know that there are lots of benefits for not only the host families, but what do the exchange students?

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What's some of the most common things that they reflect on on their experience as an exchange student?

00:09:53.431 --> 00:10:00.217
So I actually was just looking through some different testimonials this weekend and as I was looking through it was amazing to watch.

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Over and over they said it built my confidence.

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It built my confidence.

00:10:03.619 --> 00:10:15.918
So that's one of the main things is, if you think about when you are 15, 16, 17 years old, you're flying across the world on your own, you're coming to an entirely new space and then you're having to learn to navigate that space.

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So it does build these you know connections with friends and family that they last forever.

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And so this weekend, as I was reading testimonials, so many of them said I now have a family across the world that loves me.

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So that's the biggest piece, I think.

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And then the second biggest thing that I was seeing is confidence, where they're saying I feel like I'm a new person, I know what I want to do now.

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One girl even said I know exactly where I'm going and at 17, you know, is that reality?

00:10:44.173 --> 00:11:05.677
I don't know, but she was probably closer than I was at 17, because she had this experience, because they traveled across the world, they navigated a new system, and I find that with our students that come over, they're merit-based, so they're brilliant and so they have a strong educational background, they have English skills, they're all ready to go as far as technically.

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But there's something about our environment, our environments in our schools, our environments in our families, where we say in our families, where we say you can try that, you should do that.

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And there's something about this American push that we have that you put those two things together so you take their strong education, their academically motivated, their leadership motivated, on their end.

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Then you put it with their leadership training on our end, where Americans just naturally are leadership trainers.

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We don't even know it, I don't think, but you know, around the dinner table we're saying, oh wow, that would be fun, you should go for that, you should do that.

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And that kind of a push makes them confident, confident in what they want to do, confident in where they're going, and they leave knowing a next step, knowing what it is.

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And I love because our program does not drop them off on the other side of the world afterwards.

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It continues.

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So we have an alumni and by us, not just WorldLink, the entire government program has a alumni program in all these countries, where then they can connect with other kids who've been through the same experience this year, years before, 20 years before, and they have this whole network of people then on that other side.

00:12:08.009 --> 00:12:16.980
So we see our kids come strong, have these experiences, live in this unusual environment and then say wait a minute, I can do that.

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We put them through rigorous training as far as that goes, where we dump them off in a house and they're there with a family, they're there in a new school, and then on top of that, we do some intentional training as well, where we have them do projects in the community, we have them actually start their own projects.

00:12:32.278 --> 00:12:37.799
So there you are again, 16 years old, you're in a new country, a new environment, and we say what is your passion?

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Why don't you do something about that Instead of just following a project?

00:12:41.211 --> 00:12:43.172
Lead a project and they do it.

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So they go back strong, confident and ready.

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Yeah, and I will touch upon that because just this year I had nine students in Hanford and during Global Youth Service Project they collectively raised $3,150 to donate to different agencies that they've actually volunteered with.

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So our Kings County Art Center, episcopal Church, animal Control they donated there Valley Animal Haven, lions Club, casa and a veterans program.

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So our kids, after six, seven, eight months of doing this leadership program, take on a global youth service project that benefits something it doesn't necessarily like.

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One girl collected eyeglasses for Lions Club.

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That's one of the things they do internationally.

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So she did her own project where she went out and collected like 800 pairs of glasses.

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So it's not just monetary.

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In 23, 24, my students just my little nine students did 1150 hours of community service here.

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So and 200 cultural presentations.

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So that's the other point that we want them to share their culture.

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We have what's called International Education Week where they are sharing their culture.

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They're sharing it in their schools, they're sharing it all through the community.

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We did Girl Scouts presentations, we did senior center presentations and high school presentations, elementary presentations, wherever someone would let them come in and speak, they went out and shared their culture to the tune of 200 cultural presentations.

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Because that's what this is all about making them leaders, sharing their culture, giving back to the community and then taking that back home and all the things that we do here to service our communities.

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They go back, they learn here and then they go back with their alumni association and sometimes not even with their alumni associations just on their own Some of the things they've taken from here about service.

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Another thing is they have to join a service organization.

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So we have kids in Leo's Club for Lions.

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We have kids in FFA, seroptimus, the S Club, so they have to join a service club while they're here to learn about service.

00:15:17.283 --> 00:15:25.336
So those are just things that you know we're so excited about because they're taking that home and spreading that For sure?

00:15:25.977 --> 00:15:31.783
So, Margie, we're here at the beginning of July and I know you're going to have some timelines to get these students placed.

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How does that process work?

00:15:35.235 --> 00:15:36.480
It's quench time for us.

00:15:36.480 --> 00:15:37.403
It really is.

00:15:37.403 --> 00:15:58.090
We have some students that have to be placed really in the next couple of weeks, like where we have to do their application, do a home visit, we have to do references and all of these things in a very short period of time in order for them to be able to come and actually do their year here.

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They've earned this scholarship.

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We need to place them because, you know, every year not necessarily with world link so far cross our fingers some kids don't get to come because they're not placed in time.

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So we, we are working hard.

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That's why we're doing this and every other thing that we do to get them placed, because these kids have really worked hard.

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This is a process for them.

00:16:21.823 --> 00:16:30.159
It's like my first student said that she was the first one in her high school to ever get pressed the first round and it's three rounds of competition.

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So you know we want them placed, we want them here, we want them to give the opportunity that they earned.

00:16:38.205 --> 00:16:41.605
That's the thing about it is they earned this opportunity.

00:16:42.936 --> 00:16:50.836
If a family wanted to learn more about WorldLink and possibly hosting a student for the upcoming school year, how can they get a hold of you?

00:16:51.697 --> 00:16:53.120
hosting a student for the upcoming school year.

00:16:53.120 --> 00:16:54.041
How can they get a hold of you?

00:16:54.041 --> 00:16:59.589
They can email me bb b as in Victor b as in ball mom at mecom.

00:16:59.589 --> 00:17:10.982
Or they can call me 559-309-3329.

00:17:10.982 --> 00:17:11.744
They can call or text questions.

00:17:11.744 --> 00:17:22.835
People are always going to have some questions, so we encourage them to call us and get those answers so that they know, you know they're educated and they're ready to make this commitment or not make this commitment, but we will answer all of their questions always and we are local.

00:17:22.835 --> 00:17:23.215

00:17:23.276 --> 00:17:29.634
Another thing about us is that lots of times people place kids, they find a family via social media.

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Because people place kids, they find a family via social media, but they're like last year I have a girl, I had a girl this year.

00:17:34.558 --> 00:17:45.167
Someone from South Carolina contacted them and we're going to do this placement with their placement organization, not WorldLink.

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But they were asking them to find their own local coordinator.

00:17:48.309 --> 00:17:56.824
So, as I told you before, hanford only takes our students as far as exchange students, so we ended up with that family anyways.

00:17:56.824 --> 00:17:59.202
But we're here, we're local.

00:17:59.836 --> 00:18:03.040
Your coordinator in Kings County lives in Kings County.

00:18:03.040 --> 00:18:05.624
Your coordinator in Visayas lives in Tulare County.

00:18:05.624 --> 00:18:08.104
So we are a local placement organization.

00:18:08.104 --> 00:18:12.442
All of our coordinators are local and have been doing this a while.

00:18:12.442 --> 00:18:19.561
We have most of our California coordinators are quite seasoned and have hosted and have been you know coordinators.

00:18:19.561 --> 00:18:23.775
So we have a very strong support from our placement organization.

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We can contact anyone Holly or whether it's our main office in minutes and get a response in minutes if it's necessary.

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So we are very well supported.

00:18:33.474 --> 00:18:40.449
So, in turn, our families are supported because we are right here ready to help them out if there is any issue.

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We rarely have anything, you know huge, but we are here and we are supporting with our placement organization.

00:18:48.515 --> 00:18:49.559
Yeah, that's good to know.

00:18:49.559 --> 00:18:52.464
Holly, what about with the WorldLink website?

00:18:52.464 --> 00:18:57.153
I imagine you would have some FAQ commonly asked questions on the website.

00:18:57.153 --> 00:18:59.298
Can you tell us a little bit about the website resource?

00:19:00.519 --> 00:19:01.781
Absolutely, you can reach us.

00:19:01.781 --> 00:19:06.176
It's WorldLink, so W-O-R-L-D-L-I-N-K Inc.

00:19:06.176 --> 00:19:19.344
I-n-c so worldlinkincorg, and you can go on there and actually, if you click hosting opportunities, there are videos of other families talking, there's other things going on, so that you have all that, like you said, the FAQs, all the information, and then there's.

00:19:19.344 --> 00:19:22.021
I mean you can just learn so much about us on there.

00:19:22.021 --> 00:19:29.241
So, like Marty said, we love whenever someone does contact us directly because we want to answer questions so calling or texting or emailing.

00:19:29.241 --> 00:19:43.145
But I do think that website does offer lots of videos, lots of information, lots of what ifs and, as we're talking about finding families, I do want to just point out that I think people have an idea of who can host.

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You know, we think of who hosted when we were in high school or who did we know that was a host and so we have a picture.

00:19:48.436 --> 00:19:52.104
And some people picture a family unit, some people picture a retired couple.

00:19:52.104 --> 00:19:57.282
You know, people picture different things based on their experience and I do want to just point out it can be anybody.

00:19:57.282 --> 00:20:04.976
So I started hosting when I was a fairly young single mom that was just doing my thing with a young child and I thought no way I could host.

00:20:04.976 --> 00:20:11.248
But I was approached and I started talking to someone and that's how I started this whole entire journey with exchange 25 years ago.

00:20:11.248 --> 00:20:18.247
So in that it's love, we're looking for love, we're looking for a home.

00:20:18.247 --> 00:20:19.976
So the family does volunteer.

00:20:19.976 --> 00:20:29.303
They volunteer to provide a bed for the sleeper, they can share a room if it's a similar age teenager, but they live in the home.

00:20:29.303 --> 00:20:30.285
So they provide that.

00:20:30.285 --> 00:20:35.522
They volunteer the home and the meals and they make sure they get back and forth to their activities locally.

00:20:35.522 --> 00:20:42.166
But anybody who has love and has a little I can serve food at the table and has that environment can do that.

00:20:42.166 --> 00:20:52.528
So we have young families, we have families with teenagers, we have retired people, we have empty nesters, we have singles, we have marrieds, so it can be any type of loving environment.

00:20:52.528 --> 00:20:54.663
So Margie saw the local coordinators.

00:20:55.557 --> 00:20:59.026
What we do locally is we go into that to meet you.

00:20:59.026 --> 00:21:00.842
We actually are just very honest with you.

00:21:00.842 --> 00:21:06.301
So if you're like I don't know if I could host, we'll tell you if you can host, because we want a good experience for you and the student.

00:21:06.301 --> 00:21:08.057
We want to set it up for success.

00:21:08.057 --> 00:21:09.220
So so there's.

00:21:09.400 --> 00:21:15.029
So that's, I think, the main people, the main question people ask, I think, is you know, can I even do this?

00:21:15.029 --> 00:21:22.923
And so that's part of our role is we meet you in person, we answer your questions, you determine and, and there is an application process that's pretty simple online.

00:21:22.923 --> 00:21:29.346
We do a background check, we, you know, we talk with you individually face to face and just see this is where a student would live.

00:21:29.346 --> 00:21:35.397
We talk to you about what the environment would be.

00:21:35.397 --> 00:21:38.788
So I just don't want people to rule themselves out because, honestly, it's such an amazing experience that we want anybody that's going.

00:21:38.788 --> 00:21:39.672
Maybe I could do this.

00:21:39.672 --> 00:21:45.596
We want to talk to you and then we'll just honestly make that decision, you know, with you, so that you don't have to do it on your own.

00:21:46.497 --> 00:21:46.916
For sure.

00:21:46.916 --> 00:21:52.641
Well, margie, I will put your contact information, your email and your phone number that you listed.

00:21:52.641 --> 00:21:59.346
I'll put those in the show notes so if they didn't quite get it during the interview, they can get it there, and I'd like to thank both of you for coming on the show.

00:21:59.346 --> 00:22:04.710
It's been a wonderful time, wonderful opportunity to learn about WorldLink and the need for foreign exchange students here.

00:22:04.710 --> 00:22:12.538
Thank you for coming on the show and I wish you only the best in your placements this year show and I wish you only the best in your placements this year.

00:22:12.557 --> 00:22:13.220
Thank you so much, Rob.

00:22:13.220 --> 00:22:13.820
We really appreciate it.

00:22:13.820 --> 00:22:22.451
I feel real good about what we do and the kids that come here and the experiences for the family and the student are, you know, life changing.

00:22:22.451 --> 00:22:24.256
I know from experience myself.

00:22:25.057 --> 00:22:26.560
Yeah, thank you, rob, so much.

00:22:26.560 --> 00:22:40.544
Y'all's region has been such an amazing place for our students that your area has been so incredible and you inviting us on this show, finding us and inviting us here that's another testament to the amazing things that are happening in your community.

00:22:40.544 --> 00:22:48.269
So thank you for welcoming us on the show and thank you to everybody across the county who's listening to us, who have hosted our students, because I know there's lots of you out there.

00:22:48.269 --> 00:22:50.738
So thank y'all students, because I know there's lots of you out there.

00:22:50.798 --> 00:22:52.501
So thank y'all.

00:22:52.501 --> 00:22:54.766
Well, that's all the time we have for this week's show.

00:22:54.766 --> 00:23:03.080
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00:23:16.406 --> 00:23:17.817
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00:23:17.817 --> 00:23:20.084
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00:23:20.084 --> 00:23:27.857
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00:23:27.857 --> 00:23:33.729
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00:23:33.729 --> 00:23:40.025
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00:23:40.025 --> 00:23:41.488
Thanks for listening.

00:23:41.488 --> 00:23:42.369
Have a great week.