Welcome to the Hanford Insider!
May 27, 2024

Hanford Insider: Spotlight on Hanford's Campus Transformations and Neighbor Bowl Reveal

Hanford Insider: Spotlight on Hanford's Campus Transformations and Neighbor Bowl Reveal

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Get ready to feel a swell of hometown pride as we sit down with Superintendent Victor Rosa, diving into Hanford Joint Union High School District's major facelift and the Neighbor Bowl's grand reveal, just in time for graduation season. You'll be inspired to hear how the community's vision and dedication have brought stunning renovations to life—from wellness centers to modernized classrooms and athletic fields. And with the Hanford City Council filling the vacant District B seat, clarity and progress are ringing through our local government. Plus, discover a special way to celebrate this year's graduates with personalized shout-outs through our platform, making this episode truly a tribute to the heart of our community.

Join us for a conversation that's as invigorating as the fresh coat of paint on Hanford West High's baseball fields. We shine the spotlight on the unparalleled community support that's been the driving force behind the Neighbor Bowl renovations, ensuring it's a venue that sparkles with school spirit and inclusivity. The episode is packed with tales of sporting glory, where Hanford's athletes aren't just scoring touchdowns but securing futures with D1 college commitments. It's a showcase of the strides we've taken together as a proud Hanford community, heralding a bright future for our schools, our student-athletes, and all our residents.

You can find the Hanford Insider at www.hanfordinsider.com and on social media at @hanfordinsider
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01:46 - Community News

03:21 - Community Calendar

05:09 - Community Support for Neighbor Bowl Renovations

21:50 - Sports with Eric Bentley


00:00:00.820 --> 00:00:02.702
On this week's episode of the Insider.

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Superintendent of the Hanford Joint Union High School District, victor Rosa, joins us again to give an update on all of the construction projects completed this year on our high school campuses, including a sneak peek at the remodeled Neighbor Bowl, which will reopen just in time for high school graduations next week.

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Open just in time for high school graduations.

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Next week, rob will have a surprising update from the Hanford City Council and then I'll be back to reflect on some highlights from high school sports throughout the past year.

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This is the Hanford Insider.

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I'm your host, rob Bentley.

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Thanks for listening.

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Don't forget that on next week's episode I'm planning a special shout-out show for the graduating students this year.

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Simply go to my website at hanfordinsidercom, click on the microphone icon and record your special message.

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Here's an example.

00:01:17.540 --> 00:01:25.415
My name is Janet Escobar and I'd like to give a special shout-out to my daughter, katrina, who is graduating from Hanford West High School.

00:01:25.415 --> 00:01:26.581
You go, girl.

00:01:26.581 --> 00:01:28.646
Papa and I are so proud of you.

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Just a little message like that can be so special.

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I'll put all of the messages together and air them on the next episode of the Hanford Insider.

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It's absolutely free.

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The weather this week is going to warm up, with daytime highs approaching 100 degrees by the end of the week.

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In community news, the Hanford City Council held a special meeting on Thursday to reconsider filling the seat that is being vacated by Kalish Morrow.

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After a few days to cool off after the last meeting, the council members had a chance to reconsider the situation and wanted to move forward with appointing someone to replace Councilman Morrow.

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This will happen at the June 4th meeting.

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This appointment will only be until the November election.

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Because she wanted to exercise her right to be involved in the appointment process before she moves, the council and staff decided to fast-track the process.

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Letters of interest and resume are to be emailed to the city clerk by 4 pm this Friday, may 31st.

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The council will then review the applications at the study session next Tuesday afternoon before appointing her replacement at the regular city council meeting later that evening.

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Some may have been wondering why the District C seat recently vacated by Diane Sharp was not also up for appointment.

00:02:43.843 --> 00:02:47.344
I'm not on the city council or on the city staff.

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But I do think that with the short amount of time remaining, to appoint someone for District C and appoint someone for District B, that'd be a huge, if not impractical, thing to do at this point.

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As I said, the voters will have their say for District B and District C in the November election.

00:03:03.981 --> 00:03:11.485
Anyone interested in running for the City Council in those areas can begin the process next month, I think, at the County Elections Office.

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As we found out this week, things can change in an instant.

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Be sure to follow the City of Hanford on social media so that you are notified when the next big thing happens.

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Here's some things coming up on our community calendar.

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As you'll hear later in this episode, neighbor Bowl will be reopening in time for high school graduations next week.

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Hanford West will be graduating on Wednesday, hanford High on Thursday and Sierra Pacific on Friday night.

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Graduations will begin at 8 pm each evening At the Thursday Night Marketplace.

00:03:45.170 --> 00:03:47.155
This week it's National Creativity Day.

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The band In Codes will be providing the entertainment.

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Saturday June 1st is Home Garden Appreciation Day from 12 to 4.

00:03:55.431 --> 00:04:04.389
The Kings County Symphony Orchestra Pops in the Park concert will be held Sunday, june 2nd in the Civic Auditorium Park beginning at 6.30 pm.

00:04:04.389 --> 00:04:05.884
Admission is free.

00:04:05.884 --> 00:04:12.431
The Kings players are presenting A Penny for your Thoughts at the Temple Theater each weekend during the month of June.

00:04:12.431 --> 00:04:16.350
Visit kingsplayersorg for showtimes and tickets.

00:04:16.350 --> 00:04:25.033
The City of Hanford Parks and Community Services Department will be holding a summer day camp at the Longfield Center from June 10th to August 9th.

00:04:25.033 --> 00:04:28.208
Contact the city for more information and registration.

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Spots are limited.

00:04:29.471 --> 00:04:35.711
The Carnegie Museum is also gearing up for their third annual Downtown Hanford Car Show on June 8th.

00:04:35.711 --> 00:04:38.427
Register now at carnegiecarshowcom.

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I'll be grabbing events as I see them on the Hanford Sentinel calendar and social media pages.

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If you have an event coming up and you'd like some help getting the word out, let's work together.

00:04:48.391 --> 00:04:51.968
Send your information to hanfordinsider at gmailcom.

00:04:51.968 --> 00:04:56.901
Be sure to subscribe to my weekly newsletter to get a complete calendar of events.

00:04:56.901 --> 00:05:16.593
Well, it's certainly a pleasure to welcome back to the show Dr Victor Rosa, who is the superintendent of the Hanford Joint Union High School District.

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And it's been a great year, hasn't it, victor?

00:05:19.696 --> 00:05:20.336
It really has.

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It's my pleasure to be on the show again.

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Victor, you were one of my first guests and I really appreciate you stepping out in faith and trusting me with delivering the message that you had back in August, and I know that part of that message that you had was all the exciting things that were coming for Hanford not only the community but obviously your schools and everything all the programs that you run and a big part of the conversation focused around construction projects and upgrades and infrastructure.

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We don't have a whole lot of time, but can you just highlight some of the projects that have been completed and maybe some that are down the road?

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I think the last time we talked we were just about wrapping up some of the remodel at Hanford High as far as classroom remodels, the cafeteria, all of that sort of thing, things we were doing there air conditioning upgrades and about a year prior to that, wrapped up all of the remodels at Hanford West.

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But since that time that was back in August Since that time we have spent a lot of time and effort and dollars on the presentation center.

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So a lot of this is focused on Hampered High.

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Hampered High has two district facilities that all of our schools use, so it looks like it's Hampered High heavy, but in reality all of our schools benefit from it.

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So that presentation center is one of them.

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We did all new seating in there, new sound system, new mics, new stage extension, new lighting a lot of new things going on there and still a few things that are coming.

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All of it will be recarpeted this summer and then the lobby will have a new flooring and some upgrades there.

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So we're really excited for that.

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Obviously, all of our schools and the community use that presentation center a lot, so those upgrades were not only needed, they just allow us to put on better productions and we've seen that this season.

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That presentation center has been in use since I was in high school.

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That was a while back, but I remember actually my parents had raised been on the fundraising committee to raise money for the curtains and the lights and the sound.

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Everything that was put in inside the theater was actually fundraised by the community because at the time when the district built the theater it did not include those things.

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So I have a special tie to that theater in my upbringing and I actually worked backstage and saw all of the things that needed to be done.

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Over the years and as a band director taking my groups there to perform, I saw the continued deterioration of the theater and I am just so happy for the performing arts teachers who get to show off their stuff in that new theater.

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I know it's going to be great and it's going to last for many more years to come.

00:08:08.927 --> 00:08:17.182
Aside from Hanford High, I know the Hanford West Project got a lot of attention and you've also upgraded all of your facilities at all of the campuses.

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Can you highlight some of the improvements that have been made?

00:08:19.670 --> 00:08:23.805
Even at the adult school, I see all these new signs Great way to get the message out.

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Every campus was hit in some way.

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The adult school was probably almost the least by only having the marquee, but a few upgrades in some classrooms, that sort of thing.

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There we completely built a brand new community day school behind Earl F Johnson, so that's basically a new campus.

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It's only about 50 kids but it's a new site for them.

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Sierra Pacific, which had obviously already had a lot of attention and a lot of projects with the pool and all that the new administration building, the new library, all of those things.

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We then added field lighting and more practice fields for them as part of this project as well.

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Hanford West got a lot, a lot of remodel brand new parking lot, brand new tennis courts.

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They're still in need of a new pool.

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That's probably going to be one thing that's going to still have to happen, probably going to take another bond for that, but we know there's a need for them.

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We also made a lot of changes on Campus Drive, working with the city to make that a better flow.

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If you notice, turn lanes and all sorts of things move.

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We have a new drop-off area along there, the bus drop-off.

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All of those things were great for Hanford West, but primarily for them it was classroom remodels, their wellness center was built, upgrades to their baseball just a lot of great things there at Hanford West, to kind of bring it up to speed, yeah, and then again very similar things at Hanford High.

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We did some.

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Well, I'll jump to Earl F Johnson.

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00:09:51.928 --> 00:09:56.629
First Earl F Johnson got a wellness center and upgrades in their classrooms as well.

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Marquees the big marquees are obviously on the three comprehensive campuses.

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They're eye-catching and really important.

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And in reality, one of the other things that happened to that is we bought a new building for our new district office.

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So that's, you know, the beginnings of that.

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Demo is happening now, and our current office is actually going to be the new home of Hampered Online Charter.

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So they'll be moving off of the adult school campus.

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They'll have a big fancy marquee out front too, and so all of our schools received something.

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But the attention right now, the bulk of the construction happening is at Hampert High.

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A lot of you know I went to school there, you went to school there, most of the community went to school there, and so there's always that reminder of just the history and rich history that's there and the passion for things that are happening there.

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So we heard a lot about baseball needing some renovations so we spent some time on the baseball fields at Hanford High.

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We added new path of travel to softball to the JV courts so there are sidewalks to all of those things.

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We still have a snack bar that's going to be going, a snack bar and bathrooms that are going on actually at all three campuses for baseball.

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So we're excited about that.

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That's going to be happening in the next year or so.

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Kensington lot there.

00:11:15.307 --> 00:11:15.607

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Let's talk about the Kensington lot.

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We'll get to the stadium in just a minute but those dozers are hauling on those tennis courts and I understand the community has.

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You know, they heard about all these improvements to the stadium and one of the big things you know they heard about all these improvements to the stadium and one of the big things they were saying what about the parking lot?

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So before we move to the stadium, let's talk about that corner of campus, there at the corner of Kensington and Grangeville.

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Sure, you know it's interesting because almost every angle of Hanford High now, whether you're on Kensington, on Dowdy or on Grangeville, it's going to have something new in the in the.

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You know, obviously, that new corner parking lot on Dowdy and Grangeville and the new student entrance was a big deal.

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But those tennis courts were an eyesore.

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I mean, we all used them, communities used them, but they were cracked.

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The fencing looked terrible, the shade cloths looked terrible and if you've got a low rider you don't want to ride through the Kensington lot.

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You know there are the potholes.

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Everything were pretty bad and it was.

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If you couple that with a brand new pool and all of the things that have happened there, it just really was an eyesore.

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So this summer the Kensington lot will all be completely pulled up.

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That will all be new asphalt and a new parking lot there and the tennis courts.

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There was no more repair.

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They literally had to just rip it out down to the dirt, uh, fencing and all, and those will be all brand new.

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Brand new tennis courts there for not only our students but for the community as well and, uh, again, just an eyesore and maybe even a little bit of a safety concern.

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All fixed in one shot.

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For sure, none of this is cheap to do and it's all very time consuming, but we're excited.

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More than any of the other campuses, hanford High has had a facelift that's visible to the community.

00:13:03.730 --> 00:13:05.715
That was much needed.

00:13:06.941 --> 00:13:11.669
Well, we are so excited for the class of 2024.

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They are going to be the first ones to graduate in the brand new Neighbor Bowl.

00:13:17.166 --> 00:13:19.431
That place looks awesome.

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Can you tell us about some of the upgrades that have been made to the field and surrounding areas?

00:13:24.674 --> 00:13:26.783
Absolutely, and I'm excited too.

00:13:26.783 --> 00:13:31.580
That has been the most nerve wracking and most exciting project all in one.

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We had such a tight timeline to wait for football to wrap up and then graduations to begin and all in all it's gone pretty smoothly.

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We didn't get a lot of delays and so that looks good.

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I remember when I first looked at the plan and we were making approvals I thought there is no way this stuff is going to fit.

00:14:07.485 --> 00:14:07.965
I couldn.

00:14:07.985 --> 00:14:18.587
An $11.5 million remodel and a lot of those funds are going to things that aren't necessarily fun and exciting but are important when you're doing a remodel.

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That's ADA compliance and making sure people can get to where they need to be.

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So I'll start on the visitor side.

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The visitor side, you know a lot of people are like why are you spending so much time and money on the visitor side?

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Well, that visitor side is our side when we're having games that are across district with Hanford West by Sierra Pacific and so forth.

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Side didn't have nearly as much seating and weren't able to see their graduate as much.

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So we expanded that it is now the exact same width as the home side.

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So we added bleachers to the west and to the east.

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That is all redone.

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All of those years of paint that we did as students when we used to be able to paint those bleachers, if you remember those days, that's all been probably two inches thick of paint been removed and all resurfaced.

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There's now a handicap seating area that is up on the top tier, so there are ramps that allow for that, for people to be able to view from there.

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Then you jump to the home side bleachers and if you ever, while you're a band guy, you recall how those steps were.

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There was this odd yellow step and I can't tell you how many times I saw people trip.

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There were no handrails or any of that sort of thing.

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They were narrow.

00:15:42.946 --> 00:15:45.162
So that has all been remedied.

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Those steps are now all even.

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They're wider.

00:15:48.125 --> 00:16:06.275
They have handrails for our community and guests see, on that home side is they removed those lower two bleachers and added now almost like a ramp where disabled people can can actually have wheelchairs there without having to be on the track.

00:16:06.275 --> 00:16:10.605
So they're still elevated a bit, not blocking anyone.

00:16:10.605 --> 00:16:15.120
You can sit with your, your family and guests, and so there are ramps and everything for that.

00:16:15.480 --> 00:16:21.624
But the big, big change uh, well, I'll, that's not the only big change, just the uh, the scoreboard.

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If you've seen that that is a monster.

00:16:23.469 --> 00:16:27.124
That's a brand new, uh, large led scoreboard.

00:16:27.124 --> 00:16:41.322
And of all of the things I'm excited about is that we won't have to look at this little two foot by three foot flag anymore because, if you recall the old system, you couldn't have a big flag on that flagpole because it would cover the scoreboard.

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So all of that has been moved.

00:16:43.743 --> 00:16:48.842
We'll have a proper flag now in the front, which is where the new entrance is.

00:16:48.842 --> 00:16:52.625
And that new entrance off of Kensington is really beautiful.

00:16:52.625 --> 00:17:00.687
The community will say it, and I wish we could have a huge parking lot there for everybody right across from it, but we can't.

00:17:00.687 --> 00:17:02.421
We're landlocked there.

00:17:02.421 --> 00:17:17.666
But that new entry, first of all, you go straight into the new ticket booths, all air-conditioned, new bathrooms, both men's and women's, accessible from the visitor side and the home side, all air-conditioned and much needed side, all air conditioned and much needed.

00:17:17.666 --> 00:17:24.833
And then a snack bar that you know is large and accommodates all of the schools and air conditioned.

00:17:26.476 --> 00:17:40.405
So in our August episode you had mentioned the personalization of the tunnel and the being able to customize it to each school so they feel like it's a home game and they're not using necessarily the Hanford High Stadium.

00:17:40.405 --> 00:17:43.023
You've got a customizable experience in the tunnel.

00:17:43.023 --> 00:17:44.681
Can you tell us how that turned out?

00:17:45.363 --> 00:17:52.348
Sure, the tunnel is still being poured at this point, but it will be done in time for graduations.

00:17:52.348 --> 00:18:04.083
In essence, the scoreboard and the tunnel can change color, so everything there can either be blue or green or red depending on what we watch during that time.

00:18:04.083 --> 00:18:08.719
The place itself we really went with the branding of Neighbor Bowl.

00:18:08.719 --> 00:18:12.627
It's always been Neighbor Bowl, but we really focused on that.

00:18:12.627 --> 00:18:17.875
There's some large block lettering, the new entry, all that sort of thing really focuses on Neighbor Bowl.

00:18:17.875 --> 00:18:23.737
But we want to give schools that experience of being able to have their colors flying and really kind of customize it.

00:18:23.998 --> 00:18:30.721
Everything's sort of a muted gray and black out there so that it wasn't allegiant to any specific school.

00:18:30.721 --> 00:18:34.718
And we had plenty of community members say why can't we build a bowl for each school?

00:18:34.718 --> 00:18:37.483
Well, we just don't have the money for that.

00:18:37.483 --> 00:18:43.243
Even Globus, with all of their money, doesn't still share stadiums just like everyone else.

00:18:43.243 --> 00:18:50.676
But we're really excited to be able to have that for our teams to come through and our graduates to be able to come through that new tunnel.

00:18:50.676 --> 00:18:51.660
It's really neat.

00:18:51.660 --> 00:18:58.179
It's basically this LED lighting that kind of makes the thing glow into whatever color you have, uh, of the school.

00:18:59.019 --> 00:19:00.482
That sounds so fantastic.

00:19:00.482 --> 00:19:13.421
I am so excited for everyone to see it at the graduation ceremonies and I know that the football teams and track and soccer everybody that's the bands that are going to get to use it.

00:19:13.421 --> 00:19:17.118
Uh, it's, it's going to be an exciting fall season and I can't wait to see it before we close.

00:19:17.118 --> 00:19:27.384
Uh, do you have any special shout-outs to your team there at the high school district that you'd like to congratulate on a great year, or maybe even some of the people that have helped you with all these projects?

00:19:28.535 --> 00:19:29.137

00:19:29.137 --> 00:19:31.728
I mean I'm going to thank the entire team.

00:19:31.728 --> 00:19:37.805
You know we have nearly 500 people here in the district and none of this is possible without them.

00:19:37.805 --> 00:19:49.613
I mean, everyone was affected in some way through construction and the discomfort of having to move rooms or move furniture or dust and all parking, all of those things and everyone has been wonderful in that respect.

00:19:49.613 --> 00:20:02.969
You know we started these remodels right when COVID hit and so you know you couple so many of these projects that have happened in the last five years with the inconvenience and adversity that has hit with us as well.

00:20:02.969 --> 00:20:05.173
And the team has been fantastic.

00:20:06.296 --> 00:20:22.760
And, from a perspective of our maintenance and custodial and IT and all of those crews that have hands-on on these projects they're the ones moving furniture, they're the ones working with the, you know, making sure the grass stays green on the field All of those things.

00:20:22.760 --> 00:20:25.641
They have been integral in making this work.

00:20:25.641 --> 00:20:31.161
And, of course, renee Creed, who's the assistant superintendent, and Ben Stidman, who is director of MOT.

00:20:31.161 --> 00:20:33.795
They're the ones who have these weekly meetings.

00:20:33.795 --> 00:20:35.916
Oh, julie Figueroaes as well, in the business department.

00:20:35.916 --> 00:20:43.844
They have these weekly meetings with these contractors and they are bulldogs at keeping everything on task and I couldn't appreciate them more.

00:20:43.844 --> 00:20:47.926
They make me just have to work with community and answer community questions.

00:20:47.926 --> 00:20:58.414
They're doing that real difficult work of holding those contractors to the fire and they've done a great job of it it.

00:20:58.434 --> 00:20:59.096
Well, that's fantastic.

00:20:59.096 --> 00:20:59.880
You've assembled a great team there.

00:20:59.880 --> 00:21:10.548
Some of them have been there for many years and others have just come on recently, but I know the community is very proud of the work that's being done and will continue to be done, and we can't wait to see what comes next.

00:21:10.548 --> 00:21:12.036
Thank, you.

00:21:12.557 --> 00:21:15.503
We are too, and I'd be remiss to not thank the community.

00:21:15.503 --> 00:21:22.143
A good half a little over half of all these projects were based on Measure W, which the community supported in 2016.

00:21:22.143 --> 00:21:29.977
And it's amazing that it's coming to fruition now, but we couldn't do it without the support of our community and you thanks, rob.

00:21:29.977 --> 00:21:33.164
I appreciate you highlighting us and getting the real information out there.

00:21:33.164 --> 00:21:34.288
All right, thank you.

00:21:38.776 --> 00:21:42.326
And now it's time for Hanford Insider Sports with Eric Bentley.

00:21:50.796 --> 00:22:02.601
With graduation around the corner and sports season in the rearview mirror, let's give you some of the exciting moments that brought Hanford pride, accolades and recognition this past year.

00:22:02.601 --> 00:22:17.020
We'll start all the way back in the fall with football, where Sierra Pacific got off to a historic 6-0 start, including a 34-19 victory in the Clash of the Claws matchup over Hanford West.

00:22:17.020 --> 00:22:29.266
Though the Golden Bears cooled off a bit towards the end of the year, their season-long performance was deserving of coach Ryan DeSantos being named the Tri-County Sequoia League Coach of the Year.

00:22:29.266 --> 00:22:42.198
Sticking with football, hanford High left their name in the headlines quite a bit, as they secured a WYL championship, including a regular season victory over Lemoore in the milk can.

00:22:42.198 --> 00:22:59.366
A handful of individual players also took the next step to competing at the next level, as Cordy Glass, in his junior season for the Bullpups, was named the WYL Offensive Player of the Year, while also committing to play D1 football at Oregon State.

00:22:59.366 --> 00:23:23.346
Daniel Gomez, also a junior, reclassified his commitment to play at the D1 level, switching from Fresno State to San Jose State, and Coach Cannon Sanchez was named the WYL Coach of the Year after leading the Bullpups to the WYL Championship, and he continues to give back to the community as he'll be hosting a youth football camp this Saturday the 1st.

00:23:23.346 --> 00:23:44.307
And with basketball, sierra Pacific Varsity Girls Basketball was able to pick up a league title, followed by the news that legendary coach Amy Bush would be stepping down, giving the way for assistant Victor Chavarin to take the reins of a program that, in a very short time, has built a storied legacy.

00:23:46.496 --> 00:23:58.730
And lastly, like you've heard many times here on the Insider, facilities upgrades at all campuses that will have a positive effect not only on all of our students but also on our student athletes.

00:23:58.730 --> 00:24:01.084
We'll start with Neighbor Bowl renovations.

00:24:01.084 --> 00:24:11.404
The visitor side is getting a renovation with new ADA seating, upgrades to the Kensington lot, a new track and a new video board that, like we mentioned, will be done in time for graduation.

00:24:11.404 --> 00:24:19.114
At Hanford West, parking flow upgrades continue on Campus Drive, as well as tennis court and baseball field upgrades and at Sierra Pacific, field lighting and baseball field upgrades.

00:24:19.114 --> 00:24:29.688
And at Sierra Pacific, field lighting and practice field improvements have been made and, since the season has come to a close, we will take a break from sports coverage over the summer.

00:24:29.688 --> 00:24:38.500
A huge congratulations from all of us here to the graduating seniors and, as always, if you have any off-season stories that you'd like us to cover.

00:24:38.500 --> 00:24:42.867
Please feel free to send them to HanfordInsider at gmailcom.

00:24:42.867 --> 00:24:50.256
I'm Eric Bentley and this has been your Hanford.

00:24:50.316 --> 00:24:53.498
Insider Sports Report.

00:24:53.498 --> 00:24:55.558
Well, that's all the time we have for this week's show.

00:24:55.558 --> 00:25:01.661
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00:25:01.661 --> 00:25:09.164
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00:25:09.164 --> 00:25:13.385
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00:25:13.385 --> 00:25:19.429
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00:25:19.429 --> 00:25:20.789
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00:25:20.789 --> 00:25:23.191
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00:25:23.191 --> 00:25:38.416
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00:25:38.416 --> 00:25:41.363
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00:25:41.363 --> 00:25:44.108
If you have a show idea, be sure to email me at hanfordinsider at gmailcom and I'll look into it.

00:25:44.108 --> 00:25:45.578
Thanks for listening.

00:25:45.578 --> 00:25:46.663
Have a great week.