Welcome to the Hanford Insider for Monday, August 21, 2023.
I’d like to thank everybody for your support of the show. It’s been great to see the download stats grow with each “share”. I’ve also really appreciated the nice comments you’ve had for me either in emails, direct messages, or just in line at the grocery store. It really fuels me.
On this week's episode, our guest is Dee Fricks from the Kings County Special Olympics letting us know all of the fun details about the Chili Cook off coming up in September and how you can get involved. We'll also share a great opportunity to save lives at the Tony Winterowd Blood Replacement Drive this Wednesday and Thursday. Eric will drop by and give us an update on local high school football.
Please share the show page on social media or share with a friend to help spread the word.
See you next week.
You can find the Hanford Insider at www.hanfordinsider.com and on social media at @hanfordinsider
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