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Oct. 30, 2023

Hanford Insider with guest Michelle Brown: Boosting Local Businesses and Celebrating Community Events with Main Street Hanford

Hanford Insider with guest Michelle Brown: Boosting Local Businesses and Celebrating Community Events with Main Street Hanford

Ready for a deep dive into the world of Main Street Hanford and the admirable efforts they put in to uplift local businesses? Our special guest Michelle Brown, a pivotal figure in Main Street Hanford, is here to unravel some intriguing details about their facade grant program, which generously covers half of the enhancement costs for local businesses. We also touch upon the numerous events they curate to increase footfall in these establishments. Aspiring business owners, stay tuned as Michelle shares valuable insights about how to navigate the initial steps of setting up a business in downtown Hanford. And for our sports enthusiasts, we have an exciting update on the high school football playoffs, along with a sneak peek into some of the upcoming community events.

The conversation continues as we shed light on the community events that breathe life into Hanford, and the unsung heroes - the volunteers, sponsors, and businesses - that make it all possible. Hear the inspiring stories of individuals who pour their heart into Main Street Hanford and the monumental impact they have on our community. We also delve into the remarkable success of 'What is Night Out', an event that raised a whopping $60,000 from ticket sales. Learn about how these funds are reinvested into the community, contributing to its growth and development.  So, join us in this episode to celebrate our vibrant community and the people at its heart.

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